ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061),
had this problem, and this what helped me.....
I have Winxp.....
I removed the previous service, because I had an earlier version....
/bin/mysqld-nt /remove
Then I installed the service
/bin/mysqld-nt /install
Then I edited the my.ini file, by opening winMysqladmin
That command having opened the program...then you should
then select 4th tab, which is the my.ini file
You then edit the file to reflect where you had the files of MYSQL...
as the MY.ini said I had it under c:\mysql ....and I had it under
another folder altogeather....
For simplicity sake, I just copied the files from my current folder to
the specified by my.ini
This got me the access I wanted....
Very happy...
Hope this helps....
Regards Justin(James)HORT
From New Zealand, Palmy
posted on 2007-07-03 19:41
EricWong 阅读(15926)
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Sql server