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Version Eclipse 3.1


    a. 禁用缓存远程资源
       Window -> Preferences -> Internet -> Cache -> 选择Disable Caching
       这样在打开web.xml等文件时就不会 Loading xmlns 之类的信息了
    b. 禁用有效性验证
       Window -> Preferences -> Validation -> 选择Deselect All
    c. 禁用启动eclipse时自动构建
       Window -> Preferences -> Launching -> 不选择 Build before launching


    a. 修改Ant Document Url
       Window -> Preferences -> Ant -> Document Url -> 选择Ant Document目录
    b. 修改快捷键的设定
       Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys -> 按自己的需要修改
       尤其是Content assist 这么一个好用的功能和我的输入法冲突了,只有改了

    c. 修改java文件的source和output folder
       Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path ->选择 Folders,并设为src和classes

    d. 修改Mark Occerencs
       Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Mark Occerencs -> 把Mark Occerencs置为disable

posted @ 2005-08-17 17:38 bigseal 阅读(1482) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Eclipse 3.0/3.1

Subclipse releases for Eclipse 3.x are hosted at our update site. Add as an update site in Eclipse's update manager (which you can find in the Help menu).

The update site itself can be downloaded and used as a local update site as well. Simply unzip the site archive, and add the path as a new "Local Site" in the Eclipse update manager. You can also host your own internal Subclipse update site by placing the site on your own HTTP server (be sure to update site.xml appropriately).

We also provide instructions for installing Subclipse in Eclipse 3.x

Eclipse 2.1.3

Subclipse is linked against Subversion 1.1.4. Binaries for Windows are included.

Development for this version of Eclipse is no longer active. There are no new releases planned.

Download the Eclipse 2.x version


posted @ 2005-08-15 12:38 bigseal 阅读(15287) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏