Posted on 2005-02-27 11:09
bigseal 阅读(20990)
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但当选中项目,然后选择“Project”,“Properties”,“Builders”,“New…”,选择“Ant Build”:载入“Bulidfile”时提示“Content is not allowed in prolog”错误。
In SGML and XML, a document is composed of two sequential parts,
the prolog and the instance. You can see this in an HTML example:

1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN "
2 " " >
3 <html xmlns= " " >
4 <head >
5 <title >The Symbol Grounding Problem </title >
6 </head >
7 <body >
8 </body >
9 </html >

In this example, the prolog is lines 1-2, the instance begins on
line 3. The prolog includes the DOCTYPE declaration, the external
subset (called the DTD), and the internal subset (which you seldom
see but it 's legal). The document instance includes the document
element (in this case <html > and all of its descendent content).

You generally don 't want to see the prolog, and you generally don 't
want to store it. The DOCTYPE declaration provides references to
DTD, which is instantiated as part of the process of validating the
document. You may want to store the reference(s), but you wouldn 't
want to store the DTD each time you store the document, as that
would be a real waste (the DTD is often bigger than the document).

It sounds like your well-formed and valid document isn 't being
considered as such by the XML processor. The error message indicates
that there is content (i.e., either elements or character data) in
the part of the document considered as the prolog. You may be missing
the last " > " on line 2 above, as that would normally be the beginning
of the internal subset. If it found " <html " (or something similar),
you might get that error.

果然,有两个“!”是中文状态,改过来就ok 了。