下面是从Contribuing to Eclipse这本名著上摘录的一篇附录,很有价值,比任何讲开发方法的书或者架构模式字典都要好,单独拿出来,与大家分享。
Appendix: Rule
Contribution Rule:
Everything is a contribution
Lazy Loading Rule:
Contributions are only loaded when they are needed
Sharing Rule:
Add, don’t replace
Conformance Rule:
Contributions must conform to expected interfaces
Monkey See/Monkey Do Rule:
Always start by copying the structure of a similar plug-in
Relevance Rule:
Contribute only when you can successfully operate
Safe Platform Rule:
As the provider of an extension point, you must protect yourself against misbehavior on the part of extenders.
Invitation Rule:
Whenever possible, let others contribute to your contributions
Fair Play Rule:
All clients play by the same rules, even me.
Explicit Extension Rule:
Declare explicitly where a platform can be extended
Diversity Rule:
Extension points accept multiple extensions
Good Fences Rule:
When passing control outside your code, protect yourself.
Program to API Contract Rule:
In your contributions check and program to the Eclipse API contract.
Integration Rule:
Integrate, don’t separate
Responsibility Rule:
Clearly identify your plug-in as the source of problems.
Explicit API Rule:
Separate the API from internals
Stability Rule:
Once you invite someone to contribute, don’t change the rules
Revelation Rule:
Reveal the API a little at a time
Sandbox Rule:
Execute code under development in a separate virtual machine
Relevance Rule:
Contribute only when you can successfully operate
posted on 2005-02-21 14:33
Brian Sun 阅读(1450)
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