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Dear teacher:

    I appreciate your kindness and patience to improve our English ability. In recent days, I with my bf took part in a training course hold by New Channel School. Your might hear about the school found by HuMing, who ever gained prestige through being the Vice President of New Oriental School.

    There are three kinds of courses, in which Bob ,who taught all oral English courses, was mostly impressed on my memory. He has relish for all kinds of movies ranging from comedy to cartoon film. At the beginning of every course, he briefly introduced an absorbing movie, as well as detailedly discussed the most fascinating part of the movie in connection with his oversea experience. He broke off the movie whenever he found the funny words or sentences, telling us when and how we should speak these words according the diverse surroundings. What's important, we could effectively learn the discrepancy between the West culture and East culture. I know, there is massive cultural background behind almost every word ,even every gesture in the movie. Without a guide to lead us to understand the deep implication, we are unlikely to have capability to fully analyse feature of the whole film.

    Therefore, I suggest you should attempt this way to explain dialogs in the movie sentence by sentence, rather than merely see the film .

Your Student

posted on 2005-06-22 15:49 c.c. 阅读(459) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

# re: A letter 2005-06-23 08:54 | cc
I am also very delighted to have your letter again. And you have read my mind by suggesting the way of introducing the scriptions of movies, which was what i was intending to do last term,but due to some reasons, i didn't put it into practice. And i believe that is an effective way of learning idiomatic English. You two are eager learners and i appreciate your efforts to learn English in various ways. I think by attending those English classes you certainly could improve your English skills by a large margian.
We can exchange our experience in learning English all the time.
Wish you two every success!

Han Fei
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