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Constantly, I chatted with John in his blog website, who is the vice president of new channel school. He is a great and responsible man, replying my every question patiently, and inspiring everyone who was in the plight. I'll support this respectable teacher and his school as what I ever did.

posted on 2005-07-21 19:42 c.c. 阅读(1922) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

# re: Teacher 2005-08-02 11:03 | cc
Hello ccxixicc,

I took a look at your blog--best of luck in your continued efforts to pass the translation exam; I have come to the conclusion that test-taking is a skill of its own--you are wise to "keep trying", it's the only way we improve. I have recently decided to try the HSK test (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi)--- I'm satisfied with the spoken Chinese that I've learned so far, but I think it's time to put some effort into reading and writing... in the end, it will help my spoken Chinese to improve, I'm sure.

As for classes at New Channel, they are only a success when a group of people come together with this same "keep trying" spirit--facilitating an atmosphere where people can do that is, without a doubt, one of the most important things that spoken English teachers can do.

I think English teachers these days have two challenges in the classroom: of course, helping the students to improve their English is one challenge; however, you would be surprised how much energy teachers have to spend on encouraging and motivating students.....

One thing that I've enjoyed about teaching at New Channel is the fact that most) of the students are very well motivated, and I don't need to spend too much time and energy in class reminding them that speaking Chinese in class isn't helpful.

Another 'bonus' for me has been my colleagues-- I've learned a great deal from all of the great people who work here at New Channel.

I will think some more about your 'China and Japan' question-- it is not a simple question, and my first instict is not to say anything at all about these two very different countries.


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