It’s obvious that you have found your way of life, just like so many teachers in the New Channel. At the same time, I am happy and proud to meet teachers like you who impart not only language skills but the way of being a men.
The education is a profitable industry absolutly, but I definitly believe every teachers in New Channel school are pursuing the goal of building their students’ positive attitude and confidence toward the future rather than the reward of money and fame.
But, with remarkably enlarging and development of many schools in Beijing, such as the New Oriental School, their quality of education tends to be on the decline. Unfortunately, They begun to draw more attiontion to management and profit instead of focus on creativity and characteristic. For opening all of courses which possibly lead them to get more money, they are likely to ignore what they are good at. Moveover, people who is genius in teaching are limited and difficult to find out, but the market based on students is unlimited. When they have to utilize limited resourse to satisfy unlimited requirements, the level of quality is bound to decline gradually.
I never doubt whether the New Channel will gain sccussed in the recent future, for the school has owned the best teacher, the abundant experience, and more importantly the strong spirit of perseverance. However, I just worry about the persistent progress of our school. Therefor, I hope a prefect beginning can be accompanied with unceasing advancing.
posted on 2005-08-02 15:42
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