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It took me more than one week to complete this essay. Eventually, I integrated those scripts into one article.


Confidence and interesting are the most important factors when one learns a language or other something. I am afraid that you could lost those two crucial weapon after the phone interview. However, I know you’re definitely filled with enthusiasm like me when you typed comments in English, and you truly like to do so.

Actually, the communication by phone is more difficult than chatting face to face. Moreover, when confronting a non-native speaker, you have to take it for granted that your parter’s English is not better than yours if any barrier of communication exists between you and your parter. Confidence decide whether you make a success or failure.

When talking about confidence, it is easy for me to remember my first interview in a foreign company, Canon, a Japanese company. That day, when I stepped into the international exhibition center , what I could see was just one kind of thing, humankind. Although I could not imagine why there were so many young people who lost their jobs and desired to apply a new job, I was the one of them. I squeezed myself into various crowded rooms in which I could talk with interviewers, who regarded themselves as the role of the God, just more than one minute, if I had a good chance.

When I was pushed on the front of the small room of Canon, I found a vacant chair. A Japanese manager was sitting beside the chair. I was encouraged and cheered up by a thought that the interviewer's English must be worse than mine, although in that time, I have a bad oral English. Definitely, I use all kinds of way to present myself ranging from body language to writing down the words. Eventually, I made a success to get the chance of the second interview.


Within the next three days, I was prepared to handle this interview, including reciting materials, learning the background of the company, and relaxing myself. By that day, I drove to the Cannon company on time, and watched the modern surroundings of the company with amazement and fascination, and joyfully visited the Cannon's historic exhibition in the hall.

At the beginning of interview, I found There were three competitors sitting beside me, two ladies, one man. Moreover, The group of interviewer are composed of three people, two Japanese man, one Chinese woman. After the respective introductions, I knew the woman was the manager of human resource department, and ever participated in a TV program concerning the developing human resource in china. One Japanese was the general manage, speaking English with Japanese accent. The other was the manage of IT , who ever examined me and entitled me to this turn.

When they asked me whether we minded them interviewing us altogether, we all relied "Never mind". But we thought it was not a good style, for we could be influenced with each other and we had to answer the question without privacy.

At first, applicants made a perfect introduction and presentation. Two ladies’ English were all excellent, due to their oversea experience. Till now, I still don’t know why so many oversea students like them can accept a position of programmer, for I don’t think it is compulsory to go aboard for those who just want to become a programmer.


I paid no attention to two ladies' strong strength, because I considered them as a good speakers rather than a good programmers. But, from then on, I made a blunder on the judgment to the standard of prefect programmer.


Interviewer would choose two from us to enter the next turn , then eliminate one from two again, and eventually the last one would be their best choice. It may sound like Super Girl.


After more than one hour's representation and argument, we all replied different questions from respective points of view, including the different working experience, the way of handling emergency, the attitude of life, and the relationship with leaders and colleagues. The representing capital summarized we all did a good job, and favourably impressed them, but they had to make a choice according to the rule.


The result was announced. Two ladies were placed the higher value and got the chance to keep fighting. In fact, they deserved it. I don't know who is the final winner, but I blessed and encouraged them to keep going on when leaving the office.


As Kina saying, competition for jobs is very fierce. I was a loser at that time, but I understood that today's failure would become the experience of tomorrow's success.


posted on 2005-08-29 14:58 c.c. 阅读(2241) 评论(19)  编辑  收藏

# re: To Kina 2005-08-31 16:28 | kina
It is really a wonderful article.

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# re: To Kina 2005-09-01 09:35 | cc
I couldn't do it without your help. Thanks again.  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-06 04:17 | Y.Huo
哥们儿,真能写,加油....  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-06 16:51 | kina
Last weekend I went to Beidaihe, with workmates. Do you want to see pictures of sunrise?

please create a new article.   回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-07 09:28 | cc
Nice tourism! Last year I traveled to Nandaihe, and was fascinated by the beautiful beach and the blue sea. But this year, I have no time to walk around. Moreover, this situation have to continue till the Spring festival of next year.

You are so admirable. I am very happy to see pictures about you and sunshine. you can email them to me , or find the other way. My address is chennike@vip.sina.com
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# re: To Kina 2005-09-07 10:19 | kina
# re: To Kina 2005-09-07 10:35 | kina
by the way you change the style again  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-07 11:05 | cc
ha, your mouse or something is so cute! so cartoon!

the scene of sunrise let me up.

I am willing to live a place where I can see the sunrise and sea everyday.

in addition , could you upload a your picture? so I could see your smile.  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-07 17:53 | kina
Hi friend, I feel sad now.
  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 10:25 | kina
My director let me join the team of dest clers in our company yesterday. The main duty is to receive foreign visitors, introduce our company and translate speech between guests and presidents. But the team leader did not believe in me and he said he was a little bit afraid of my English skills.

In one hand, I'm angry because of his distrust. In the other hand, I'm afraid of my listening and oral English actually, as you know the terrible experience of my tel-interview in English two month ago. So I'm very sad and ambivalent. It is really a good chance to communicate with foreigners and enhance myself, but......
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# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 10:34 | kina
Now I lack of confidence. Our team leader's English is excellent. He is the first dest clerk in our company. When he faces me, I feel timid and ashamed. I think I dislike and fear him.   回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 10:40 | kina
On the beach, I recorded the voice of ocean wave by mobile phone. It is the best beautiful voice in the world, I think.   回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 11:47 | cc
I see.

It really is a good chance for you, and I hope you can grasp it. Why do you lost your confidence? The main reason is that you do not prepare yourself for it sufficiently.

I will give you several advise.

1. you should recite some materials over and over ,such as the background of your company, many sentences for simple communication.

2. Pay attention to your pronunciation. even through you may say one sentence 'how are you', you must not keep practicing until you make foreigners believe you speak excellent English or ever stayed oversea.

3. Confidence is very important. In fact, those who shatter your confidence are not foreigners ,but your managers or your workmates. Most foreigners are kindly, and willing to talk with Chinese rather than face with us indifferently. you have to find some topics , ranging from weather to culture differences .

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# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 11:51 | cc
In fact , I am not very compatible with my manager. So, we can find a way to turn over this situation. Maybe next time, I'll write something down about how to improve the relationship with leaders. and I hope you can give me suggestions.  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 11:56 | cc
I like the sound of sea wave too.


Could you send the record to me ?  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-08 12:40 | cc
"It was one of those priceless moments when the sunshine takes away all life's shadows with the sound of sea."

-Bill Clinton  回复  更多评论
# I was your classmate. 2005-09-13 16:21 | vivian
下次去我那看看吧  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2005-09-14 10:03 | cc
Nice to see you here, How did you get me ?

Have you ever been to MSN ?I never saw you there.  回复  更多评论
# re: To Kina 2006-01-04 10:38 | SUNNY
Who can tell me how to translate 'Kina'? Where it locate? Thank you very much!My QQ 17322758  回复  更多评论

