These days, I am being immersed in a book, My Life, made by Bill Clinton. Every night I spend more than one hour on reading these books instead of watching movies.
I place a very high value on Bill Clinton who definitely did a great job when being a head of the states. His book ,My Life, traces the root of how to became a predominant governor without family prestige. He was born in a ordinary family. His father was dead in a traffic incidence before he was born. When he was a children, his step-father was sent to prison duo to drinking and assaulting his mother. But Clinton still had an affection for his step-father, who had a bad healthy and eventually died when Bill Clinton studied in college. Thereafter, Bill dedicated in studying and running for president, as well as exhibited his political genius to everyone.
To some extent, his success, I think, is contributed to education from his mother, who was a doctor and did a competent job. On the other hand, when being a college student, Bill Clinton ever served for a senator who affect Clinton’s thinking, ranging from anti-war and economic development. In addition, he was recommend to enter into Oxford and gain the scholarship.
I have read a half of this book, and I’ll continue to write my ideas about his life.
posted on 2005-09-09 14:11
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