ProjectSettings                    Alt+F7                   
ProjectSelectTool                  Ctrl+Alt+P               激活选择的工程工具                 
ApplyCodeChanges                   Alt+F10                  Applies code changes made to C/C++ source files while debugging
DebugMemoryNextFormat              Alt+F11                  Switches the memory window to the next display format
DebugShowNextStatement             Alt+Num *                Displays the source line for the instruction pointer
DebugMemoryPrevFormat              Alt+Shift+F11            Switches the memory window to the previous display format
DebugRunToCursor                   Ctrl+F10                 Runs the program to the line containing the cursor
DebugToggleMixedMode               Ctrl+F11                 Switches between the source view and the disassembly view for this instruction
DebugEnableBreakpoint              Ctrl+F9                  Enables or disables a breakpoint
DebugSetNextStatement              Ctrl+Shift+F10           Sets the instruction pointer to the line containing the cursor
DebugRestart                       Ctrl+Shift+F5            Restarts the program
DebugRemoveAllBreakpoints          Ctrl+Shift+F9            Removes all breakpoints
DebugStepOver                      F10                      Steps over the next statement
DebugStepInto                      F11                      Steps into the next statement
DebugGo                            F5                       Starts or continues the program
DebugToggleBreakpoint              F9                       Inserts or removes a breakpoint
DebugStepOut                       Shift+F11                Steps out of the current function
DebugStopDebugging                 Shift+F5                 Stops debugging the program
DebugQuickWatch                    Shift+F9                 Performs immediate evaluation of variables and expressions
ImageBrushLarger                   +                        画笔各方同时增加一个像素                               
ImageColorSelectTool               ,                        吸取图像的一种颜色用于描绘              
ImageBrushSmaller                  -                        画笔各方同时减少一个像素                            
ImageBrushPixel                    .                        设置画笔大小为一个像素         
ImageZoomOut                       <                        缩小当前查看的放大率                        
ImageZoomIn                        >                        放大当前查看放大率                             
ImageAirbrushTool                  A                        用选定大小的喷枪描绘                         
ImagePickupBrush                   Ctrl+B                   从选定内容创建自定义画笔                
ImageToggleTileGrid                Ctrl+G                   切换平铺网格开关               
ImageOutlinedEllipseTool           Ctrl+Shift+E             描绘一个有轮廓线的实心椭圆           
ImageOutlinedRoundRectTool         Ctrl+Shift+N             描绘一个有轮廓线的实心圆角矩形               
ImageOutlinedRectangleTool         Ctrl+Shift+R             描绘一个有轮廓线的实心矩形             
ImageBrushTool                     D                        用选定外形和大小的画笔描绘                       
ImageEllipseTool                   E                        用选定的线宽描绘一个椭圆                    
ImageFillTool                      F                        使用当前描绘颜色填充一个区域            
ImageToggleGrid                    G                        切换网格开关              
ImageNewDevice                     Ins                      为不同的显示设备创建图像                      
ImageLineTool                      L                        用选定的外形和大小描绘一条直线                    
ImageMagnify                       M                        改变当前查看放大率为最大                                
ImageRoundRectTool                 N                        用选定线宽描绘一个圆角矩形                         
ImageToggleOpaque                  O                        使当前选定部分为不透明或透明                         
ImagePencilTool                    P                        用单像素铅笔描绘               
ImageRectangleTool                 R                        用选定的线宽描绘一个矩形                     
ImageRectSelectTool                S                        使用矩形选择图像的部分以移动, 复制或编辑                        
ImageFilledEllipseTool             Shift+E                  描绘一个实心椭圆     
ImageMagnifyTool                   Shift+M                  改变当前查看放大率                           
ImageFilledRoundRectTool           Shift+N                  描绘一个实心圆角矩形         
ImageBrushOutlineTool              Shift+O                  用当前描绘颜色描绘画笔轮廓或选择部分                         
ImageEraseTool                     Shift+P                  擦除图像的部分           
ImageFilledRectangleTool           Shift+R                  描绘一个实心矩形       
ImageTextTool                      T                        描绘文字 
ImageFlipHorizontal                X                        水平翻转图像或选择部分                  
ImageFlipVertical                  Y                        垂直翻转图像或选择部分                
ImageRotate90                      Z                        旋转图像或选择部分 90 度                
ImageColorPrev                     [                        改变描绘颜色为前一个调色板颜色                        
ImageColorNext                     ]                        改变描绘颜色为下一个调色板颜色                    
ImageEraseColorPrev                {                        改变擦除色为前一调色板颜色                          
ImageEraseColorNext                }                        改变擦除色为下一个调色板颜色                    
InsertDialog                       Ctrl+1                   创建一个新的对话框资源           
InsertMenu                         Ctrl+2                   创建一个新的菜单资源      
InsertCursor                       Ctrl+3                   创建一个新的光标资源        
InsertIcon                         Ctrl+4                   创建一个新的图标资源      
InsertBitmap                       Ctrl+5                   创建一个新的位图资源        
InsertToolbar                      Ctrl+6                   创建一个工具栏资源       
InsertAcceleratorTable             Ctrl+7                   创建一个新的加速栏表资源               
InsertStringTable                  Ctrl+8                   创建或打开字串表资源                     
InsertVersionInfo                  Ctrl+9                   创建或打开一个版本信息资源                    
InsertResource                     Ctrl+R                   创建一个任意类型的新资源         
Bookmarks                          Alt+F2                   编辑或定位书签              
SelectionFormat                    Alt+F8                   使用智能缩进设置, 格式选择内容                      
DebugBreakpoints                   Alt+F9                  
SentenceCut                        Alt+Shift+L              Deletes the remainder of the sentence
LineTranspose                      Alt+Shift+T              Swaps current and previous lines
DeleteBack                         Backspace                删除选择, 如未选择, 则删除光标左侧字符                                                    
SelectAll                          Ctrl+A                   选择整个文档             
ListMembers                        Ctrl+Alt+T               带来完整列表框                  
WordDeleteToStart                  Ctrl+Backspace           Deletes a word to the left
Copy                               Ctrl+C                   复制被选择的到剪贴板             
FindTool                           Ctrl+D                   激活查找工具          
WordDeleteToEnd                    Ctrl+Del                 Deletes a word to the right
WindowScrollUp                     Ctrl+Down Arrow          Scrolls the file contents up one line
DocumentEnd                        Ctrl+End                 Moves to the end of the document
Find                               Ctrl+F                   查找指定文本        
BookmarkToggle                     Ctrl+F2                  切换当前行书签开关                               
FindNextWord                       Ctrl+F3                  查找下一个选定的文本                         
SelectLine                         Ctrl+F8                  Selects lines of text
GoTo                               Ctrl+G                   转到指定位置              
FindReplace                        Ctrl+H                   替换指定文本为不同文本                        
DocumentStart                      Ctrl+Home                Moves to the beginning of the file
SearchIncremental                  Ctrl+I                   开始一个增加的向前搜索             
ConditionalUp                      Ctrl+J                   Finds the previous matching preprocessor condition
ConditionalDown                    Ctrl+K                   Finds the next matching preprocessor condition
LineCut                            Ctrl+L                   删除选定的行并置于剪贴板上                              
WordLeft                           Ctrl+Left Arrow          Moves back one word
BrowsePopContext                   Ctrl+Num *               返回前述最后浏览操作的位置                              
BrowseNext                         Ctrl+Num +               显示下一个符号定义或参考                       
BrowsePrev                         Ctrl+Num -               显示前一个符号定义或参考                           
WordRight                          Ctrl+Right Arrow         Moves forward one word
ToggleViewWhitespace               Ctrl+Shift+8             显示或隐藏制表符            
DocumentEndExtend                  Ctrl+Shift+End           Extends the selection to the end of the document
BookmarkClearAll                   Ctrl+Shift+F2            清除窗口中的所有书签             
FindPrevWord                       Ctrl+Shift+F3            向上查找前一个出现的选定文本                     
SelectColumn                       Ctrl+Shift+F8            选择一个文本列块               
DocumentStartExtend                Ctrl+Shift+Home          Extends the selection to the beginning of the file
SearchIncrementalBack              Ctrl+Shift+I             开始增加的向上搜索                  
ConditionalUpExtend                Ctrl+Shift+J             Extends the selection to the previous matching preprocessor condition
ConditionalDownExtend              Ctrl+Shift+K             Extends the selection to the next matching preprocessor condition
LineDelete                         Ctrl+Shift+L             删除选定的行            
WordLeftExtend                     Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow    Extends the selection back one word
WordRightExtend                    Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow   Extends the selection forward one word
ParameterInfo                      Ctrl+Shift+Space         提供有关函数参数的帮助                   
WordTranspose                      Ctrl+Shift+T             Swaps the current and previous words
SelectionUppercase                 Ctrl+Shift+U             将选择内容全部大写              
GoToMatchBraceExtend               Ctrl+Shift+]             Extends the selection to the matching brace
CompleteWord                       Ctrl+Space               完成当前声明                  
TypeInfo                           Ctrl+T                   提供在编辑器中选定的变量, 函数或方法的语法                                
SelectionLowercase                 Ctrl+U                   将选择内容全部小写              
WindowScrollDown                   Ctrl+Up Arrow            Scrolls the file contents down one line
Paste                              Ctrl+V                   插入剪贴板内容到插入点                            
Cut                                Ctrl+X                   剪切被选择的至剪贴板                       
Redo                               Ctrl+Y                   重做上一次取消的动作           
Undo                               Ctrl+Z                   取消最后的动作    
GoToMatchBrace                     Ctrl+]                   Finds the matching brace
Delete                             Del                      删除被选择的       
LineDown                           Down Arrow               移动光标到下一行             
LineEnd                            End                      Moves to the end of the current line
BrowseGoToDefinition               F12                      显示一个符号定义           
BookmarkNext                       F2                       移动到包含下一个书签的行                     
FindNext                           F3                       查找下一个指定文本                           
GoToNextErrorTag                   F4                       移动到下一个包含错误或标记的行               
SelectChar                         F8                       Starts character selection mode
Home                               Home                     Moves to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line
EditToggleOvertype                 Ins                      Toggles between inserting and replacing text
CharLeft                           Left Arrow               移动光标到一个字符的左边                 
PageDown                           Page Down                Moves the cursor down one page
PageUp                             Page Up                  Moves the cursor up one page
CharRight                          Right Arrow              移动光标到一个字符的右边                  
LineDownExtend                     Shift+Down Arrow         向下扩展选择一行                  
LineEndExtend                      Shift+End                Extends the selection to the end of the current line
BrowseGoToReference                Shift+F12                显示一个符号参考          
BookmarkPrev                       Shift+F2                 移动到包含前一个书签的行                         
FindPrev                           Shift+F3                 查找上一个指定文本                                
GoToPrevErrorTag                   Shift+F4                 移动到包含前一个错误或标记的行                       
HomeExtend                         Shift+Home               Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line
CharLeftExtend                     Shift+Left Arrow         向左扩展选择一个字符                          
PageDownExtend                     Shift+Page Down          Extends the selection down one page
PageUpExtend                       Shift+Page Up            Extends the selection up one page
CharRightExtend                    Shift+Right Arrow        向右扩展选择一个字符                           
LineUpExtend                       Shift+Up Arrow           向上扩展选择一行                
LineUp                             Up Arrow                 移动光标到上一行           
浏览                               Alt+F12                  查询选定的对象或当前上下文                       
MacroPlayQuick                     Ctrl+Shift+P            
MacroRecordQuick                   Ctrl+Shift+R             Start recording a temporary, throw-away macro
取消                               Esc                      隐藏窗口或取消模式           
ActivateWorkspaceWindow            Alt+0                    激活工作空间窗口            
ActivateOutputWindow               Alt+2                    激活输出窗口             
ActivateWatchWindow                Alt+3                    Activates the Watch window
ActivateVariablesWindow            Alt+4                    Activates the Variables window
ActivateRegistersWindow            Alt+5                    Activates the Registers window
ActivateMemoryWindow               Alt+6                    Activates the Memory window
ActivateCallStackWindow            Alt+7                    Activates the Call Stack window
ActivateDisassemblyWindow          Alt+8                    Activates the Disassembly window
Properties                         Alt+Enter                编辑当前被选择的属性                   
ClassWizard                        Ctrl+W                  
New                                Ctrl+N                   创建一个新的文档, 工程或者工作空间      
FileOpen                           Ctrl+O                   打开一个现有的文档    
FilePrint                          Ctrl+P                   打印全部或部分文档             
FileSave                           Ctrl+S                   保存文档      
FileGoTo                           Ctrl+Shift+G             Opens a file based on the selected text
BuildStop                          Ctrl+Break               
DebugRunToCursor                   Ctrl+F10                 Runs the program to the line containing the cursor
BuildExecute                       Ctrl+F5                 
BuildCompile                       Ctrl+F7                  Compiles the file
DebugStepInto                      F11                      Steps into the next statement
DebugGo                            F5                       Starts or continues the program
Build                              F7                       组建该工程       
LayoutSpaceEvenlyAcross            Alt+Right Arrow          水平均匀排列选定的控件                         
LayoutSpaceEvenlyDown              Alt+Up Arrow             垂直均匀排列选定的控件                    
LayoutArrangeButtonsRight          Ctrl+B                   将选定的按钮放在对话框的右上角                                    
LayoutTabOrder                     Ctrl+D                   设置对话框内控件的顺序                   
LayoutAlignBottom                  Ctrl+Down Arrow          将选定的控件靠底部排列                                                  
LayoutCenterInDialogVertically     Ctrl+F9                  在对话框内垂直居中控件                              
SelectDialogGuideType              Ctrl+G                   循环选择无网格, 参考线和对话编辑网格                          
LayoutAlignLeft                    Ctrl+Left Arrow          将选定的控制靠左侧排列                                              
CheckMnemonicKeys                  Ctrl+M                   在资源中检测记忆副本                      
LayoutAlignRight                   Ctrl+Right Arrow         将选定的控件靠右侧排列                                                
LayoutArrangeButtonsBottom         Ctrl+Shift+B             将选定的按钮放在对话框底部中间                                     
LayoutCenterInDialogHorizontally   Ctrl+Shift+F9            在对话框内水平居中控件                                
ResourceTest                       Ctrl+T                   运行对话框以测试其外观和性能                   
LayoutAlignTop                     Ctrl+Up Arrow            将选定的控件靠顶端排列                                            
ControlMoveDown                    Down Arrow               向下移动选定的控件一个对话单位                   
LayoutAlignVerticalCenter          F9                       将选定的控件垂直居中排列                                                     
ControlMoveLeft                    Left Arrow               向左移动选定的控件一个对话单位                   
ControlMoveRight                   Right Arrow              向右移动选定的控件一个对话单位                    
ControlHeightIncrease              Shift+Down Arrow          向下调整选定的控件或对话一个对话单位                 
LayoutSizeToContent                Shift+F7                 调整选定控件的大小以适合标题文字                    
LayoutAlignHorizontalCenter        Shift+F9                 将选定的控件水平居中排列                                                       
ControlWidthDecrease               Shift+Left Arrow         向左调整选定的控件或对话一个对话单位                    
ControlWidthIncrease               Shift+Right Arrow        向右调整选定的控件或对话一个对话单位                    
ControlHeightDecrease              Shift+Up Arrow           向上调整选定的控件或对话一个对话单位              
ControlMoveUp                      Up Arrow                 向上移动选定的控件一个对话单位                 
WindowDockingView                  Alt+F6                   
WindowNextPane                     F6                       激活下一个窗格        
WindowHide                         Shift+Esc                隐藏窗口    
WindowPrevPane                     Shift+F6                 激活上一窗格