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1. Change priorities when it became apparent that items with major market impact didn't take much effort, or when it became apparent that items with minor market impact wuld take much more effort than they worth.
2. Prioritize the task list based on their presentation of the feature's importance.
3. Maintain a list of what is needed in the product.
4. Iterative, incremental development. Each iteration is called a Sprint, and the results of the iteration is called a Product Increment.
5. Whoever writes code owns it forever.
6. produce an updated produce technical illustration with each Sprint(and release)that could be used to understand the product design and code.
7. Institute a quick, daily meeting where the team would report what it is doing.
8. Product Backlog: A list, list all of the things that the system should include and address, including functionality, features, and technology.
9. The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of all product requirements. and it 's never finalized. Product backlog content can come from anywhere: users, customers, sales, marketing, customer service, and engineering can all submit items to the backlog. However, only the Product Owner can prioritize the backlog.
10. Scrum relies on team initiative and integrity.
11. The Scrum Team meets daily for a short status meeting, called the Daily Scrum.
12. At the end of the Sprint, the team gets together with management at a Spring Review Meeting to inspect the product increment the team has built.
posted on 2007-09-24 13:44 三人行,必有我师焉 阅读(418) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏


# re: Agile Sofeware Development with Scrum 可借鉴内容 2007-11-29 19:54
在你的BLOG中汲取了不少关于SWT的营养知识。我是SWT的初学者,你有其他联系方式么?我有几个问题想请教你。其中比如象ECLIPSE里面用CBANNER实现的工具栏右边的那个SWT.DROP_DOWN式的CoolItem是如何实现的。我想了写了半天没写出让自己满意的效果来。另外,登录窗口的SHELL初始化时是new Shell(SWT.MIN)但是通过SOCKET判断登录成功后,我仍然希望使用同一个SHELL对象来装Composite,同时希望该SHELL的最大化按钮可用。应当如何实现呢?在网上查了半天,没找到相关的资料。希望你不吝指教,帮助我。谢谢!我的QQ是117222380,MSN是ltiwen@hotmail.com  回复  更多评论


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