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2篇文章介绍Google Web Toolkit 

面向 Java 开发人员的 Ajax: 使用 Google Web Toolkit 开发 Ajax:GWT(Google Web Toolkit) 是 Google 最近推出的一个开发 Ajax 应用的框架,它支持用 Java 开发和调试 Ajax 应用,本文主要介绍如何利用 GWT 进行 Ajax 的开发。
面向 Java 开发人员的 Ajax: Google Web Toolkit 入门:Ajax 被用于创建更加动态和交互性更好的 Web 应用程序。Google Web Toolkit (简称 GWT) 是 Google 推出的 Ajax 应用开发包,GWT 支持开发者使用 Java 语言开发 Ajax 应用。本文将介绍 GWT 开发 Ajax 应用的基本方法和步骤。



 Googlipse requires Eclipse 3.2 (必须3.2)with WebTools Platform 1.5(一定要装,)running on a Java 1.5 VM. You need to separately install Google Web Toolkit from :


 (*) Drop the com.googlipse.gwt_<version>.jar file in your eclipse\plugins folder
 (*) Open Eclipse. Select Window->Preferences->Googlipse and set GWT home to the directory where you have installed the Google Web Toolkit.
 (*) You are all set to code.
Adding Googlipse to your project:

 Googlipse is implemented as a WTP Facet. When creating a new Dynamic Web Project, select Googlipse in the Project Facets page. If you already have a Dynamic Web Project, you can add Googlipse facet by selecting Project->Properties->Project Facets(Please make sure you don't have gwt-user.jar in your classpath). In case you didn't like Googlipse, you can remove the facet.

Creating a Module:

 Once you have a Dynamic Web Project with Googlipse facet, you can add a new module by File->New->Other->Googlipse->Gwt Module. Modules can be created only in valid java packages (default package is not allowed). Either you can type in the package (with project & source folder) in the location field or you can select it by clicking Browse button. You can also click the Create button to create a new package. Next type in the name of the module. Click Finish, you will have all the artifacts for the module generated.
Adding a Remote Service;

 Note :A Remote Service will be created only in a module. So if you don't have a module, you need to create one using the New Module wizard, before this step.
 You can select File->New->Other->Googlipse->Gwt Remote Service. Click the Browse button and select the module (the gwt.xml file). Type the name and uri for the service and click Finish. Now the artifacts for the remote service will be generated. (You have to add an entry in the gwt.xml file manually. Googlipse doesn't add it. This feature will be implemented in future versions)
Adding a Remote Service method:

 You can open the RemoteService interface and add/change methods in it. You need to provide the implementation of those methods in RemoteServiceImpl class, but thanks to Googlipse, you don't have to do anything in RemoteServiceAsync. Googlipse will automatically update the corresponding Async file whenever a RemoteService interface is changed.
Calling a method using Remote Service:

 The utility class in the Remote service should help you in making the remote call.
 MyRemoteServiceAsync async = MyRemoteService.Util.getInstance();
 async.makeRemoteCall(param1, param2, callback);
Running/Debugging a Gwt Application:

 Select Run->Run/Debug to activate the Lauch configuration dialog box. Double Click "Gwt Application". In the main page, you can select the Project & Module you want to run. In the parameters page you can select the parameters such as port and log level. Click Run to execute the GwtShell & bring up your application. The laucher will add the jar files & all the source folders in the project to your application.

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posted on 2006-07-20 08:35 KevinGong 阅读(276) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Ajax

