Ajax资源 or Ajax Resources

Posted on 2006-06-04 13:41 Computerboy 阅读(2456) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 编程技术

1 Ajax中国
2 Java 开源大全

3 安全矩阵(Security Matrix)官方网站
4 TechTarget IT专家网--Ajax_IT专家网_Web服务
5 网易学院
6 Java 视线论坛


1 AJAX开发人员的编译模式:
2  XMLHttpRequest教程:“动态网页接口”:
3 JavaScript性能基准:
4 AJAX资源:
5 JavaScript规范:
6 介绍JavaScript对象标识:
7  Mozilla 的Venkman JavaScript调试器:
8  XML DOM参考:
9 Microsoft Dynamic HTML reference:
10 Gecko DOM Reference:
11 "“移植IE应用到Mozilla”
12 Mozilla XUL reference:
13 Microsoft XAML reference:

14 James Jesses Garret introduced the term AJAX in his article "AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications," (Adaptive Path, February 2005):

15 JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA:
16 Microsoft Visual Studio:
17 JSEditor:
18 JSEclipse:
19 ActiveState Komodo:
21 Document Object Model:
22 Cascading Style Sheets:
23 Extensible Stylesheet Language:
24 XForms:
25 Scaling Vector Graphics:
26 XPath:
27 AJAX.Net:
28 Backbase:
29 Bitkraft:
30 Django:
31 Dojo:
32 DWR (Direct Web Reporting):
33 MochiKit:
34 Prototype:
35 Rico:
36 Sajax:
37 Sarissa:
38 Script.aculo.us:
39 Ruby on Rails:
40 For more on AJAX and DWR, read "AJAX Made Simple with DWR," Cloves Carneiro Jr. (JavaWorld, June 2005): 关于AJAX和DWR,请阅读“AJAX使用DWR更

41 For more articles on Java development tools, browse the Development Tools section of JavaWorld’s Topical Index: 更多Java开发工具的文章,请

42 For more articles on XML, browse the Java and XML section of JavaWorld’s Topical Index: 更多XML的文章,请浏览JavaWorld的Java和XML部分索引页
43 For more articles on UI design, browse the User Interface Design section of JavaWorld’s Topical Index: 更多UI设计的文章,请浏览JavaWorld的



# re: Ajax资源 or Ajax Resources  回复  更多评论   

2008-01-03 10:46 by Michael Lo
Here is a jQuery plugins that lets you create JavaScript Slideshow very easily (Tested with jQuery 1.2.1)

EasySlide has function as following

Cross browser( Tested with IE7 and Firefox 2.0)
Both clickable and auto play slideshow
Pause while mouseover
No extra setup
No other plugins needed
Opacity change function (Tested with IE7 and Firefox 2.0)
Speed adjustment
You can edit css change any layout color you like
Can add hyperlink or no



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