cuiyi's blog(崔毅 crazycy)

记录点滴 鉴往事之得失 以资于发展


第一次客户现场:马来客户--伊斯兰教--斋戒,客户期望5:00 PM finish demonstration。按我们准备,4:50完美完工。客户临时提出要求,要求用新的数据更全面的方式,我们紧急处理中,时间一分一分过去,因为有些急,我持续出了几个错误,已经6:00PM!客户(Normal Off-Worktime:4:50)第一次问还需要多久,丝毫感觉不到不耐心或者不快,最终我们建议客户第二天看演示。因为他们Work了一天并且是空腹。 ---------有点佩服敬业精神

但客户要求拿到了任何可以拿到的材料,说核对一下。本乐观估计10可以Sign-Off。现在是11:46am, 客户连一条完整的记录都没有处理完。
--why username not the one given? --blabla
--why buyer customer company is ***, it should be ##; --(天哪,这么细小的地方,是Demo db和Live db 数据不同步,替换用的)
--why  specfication not the same in same contract--(We check csv, my god, we give one field in csv, but 它应该从DB的模板中获得,矛盾).blabla
--why specfication not as said, only in type A, not in type B--(Kill me, God!) blabla, 只能从头来
After Lunch, 客户告诉我:我们测试好了,但是你需要重新运行我们刚刚写出来的测试数据(苍天大地阿,我哭我嚎嚎的哭,大概是)
--util now(15:51 PM), they are still testing, 我靠,打印了N厚的纸张

其中对DB,Web Page连接的IP一一核实,以确定我们是否用的是他们Prepared的Test Server。


posted on 2007-10-02 11:55 crazycy 阅读(728) 评论(4)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 我的生活日记


# re: 老外的工作精神,深深地震撼我的心  回复  更多评论   

2007-10-02 13:36 | 山风小子

# re: 老外的工作精神,深深地震撼我的心  回复  更多评论   

2007-10-02 13:40 | 千里冰封

# re: 老外的工作精神,深深地震撼我的心  回复  更多评论   

2007-10-04 21:03 | yeshucheng

# re: 老外的工作精神,深深地震撼我的心  回复  更多评论   


this issue about data migrate. The accenture was the consultant; we are vendor.

One thing must mentioned, this is the largest corportation transation with Palm Oil in the world. each of three branches entity has their own IT system. Also one is done by Microsoft.

Also another thing, Only our system and SAP would the IT product specified.

数据迁移工作首先你需要了解了你有什么数据,这个事情只要认真一点去跟踪绝对没有问题;最有成效的办法就是你用一个full-new database, and code a new program to search-&-research database; find out the table used; then you migrate tool must has two step:1) check the manutary fields 2)21 if pass then do biz process 22 if not pass, log and do others or only check; I prefer the 22 step;

So I think if you spend most time dealing with new application or project, maybe you would have no idea or not well-done with existed system, totally, Our system has 576 tables, not view including, also a lot of process; I have check table by table, only 47 tables are no use again; another 38 table little used but must existed.
2007-10-05 14:33 | crazycy

