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一年前,因缘际会闯入Suryani China,跟着整个Team从无到有,努力将整个公司和团队发展壮大。

每周三,我们都有一个轻松的茶话会,每个Team Member把自己一周来的技术总结拿出来分享;在这轻松的片段里面,每个人都可能是主角,技术了然于心,与其他人分享更是一种乐趣。

现在,我们尝试着将这些经验共享出来,虽然目前局限于.NET相关,但是技术是没有边界的,技术背后所包含的理念和思想是相通的。所以,欢迎关注这里:舜亚科技-专注于.NET技术 -->我们的技术小菜和盛宴。Come on......
posted on 2007-08-16 11:54 eamoi 阅读(2593) 评论(7)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 其他

# re: [原创]关注舜亚科技的.NET技术小菜和盛宴 2007-08-16 12:15 | sitinspring
关注之.  回复  更多评论
# re: [原创]关注舜亚科技的.NET技术小菜和盛宴 2007-10-16 10:40 | 新开传世私服
# re: [原创]关注舜亚科技的.NET技术小菜和盛宴 2007-10-22 11:59 | 新开传世私服
各具特色,竞争之余中国的网络才会更好的发展、没有市场竞争怎么会形成门户的“三足鼎立”。我喜欢新浪的新闻、新浪的短信网址98888114、新浪财经;搜狐的校友录、搜狗输入法;聊天去QQ、搜索去百度,让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧  回复  更多评论
# re: [原创]关注舜亚科技的.NET技术小菜和盛宴 2007-12-03 13:58 | 手机铃声
关注一下。  回复  更多评论
# 聘Web UI开发工程师 2008-01-18 11:39 | chengzi
GI ( General Interface ) Team

Looking for candidates to develope browser-based rich internet applications using the TIBCO General Interface (GI) product. GI is a mature AJAX software development platform with an established customer base and real-world deployment. We have been in market for over four years and were recently awarded the 2006 'Technology of the Year' Award, by IDG's InfoWorld as the "Best AJAX Toolkit". These are high profile projects, both within TIBCO and in the enterprise software market as whole.


Engineers will be required to take functional requirements and implement them with minimal supervision from their supervisor or system architect. Engineers will also be required to work with colleagues from different functional groups, such as QA, technical publications, technical support, etc.

Candidates should expect to share in a broad range of responsibilities, including:

User interface proof of concept development and prototyping
User interface development and integration with back-end SOA
Development of new GUI classes to support best-of-breed user experience
Providing feedback to the GI engineering team on product features, performance and enhancements.

Senior Developer:

Above two years of web application development experience.
Good listening and oral English skill
experience with a scripting language, preferably ECMA based, such as JavaScript, ActionScript, etc.
excellent understanding of object-oriented software engineering principles
experience working with XML and XSLT
experience developing and deploying web applications with Perl/mod_perl, ASP, JSP/J2EE, etc.
understanding of Web Services, including WSDL, SOAP, and Schema
experience with CSS, DHTML, and cross-browser compatibility issues
Script-based access to the internal XML Parser and its APIs
SOAP: script based access to the internal SOAP APIs
Knowledge about the different builds/versions/releases and what is possible in each
Document Object Model
Event model
有意者请发简历至:go_sorcing@hotmail.com  回复  更多评论
# re: [原创]关注舜亚科技的.NET技术小菜和盛宴[未登录] 2008-04-08 15:43 | harry

Principle Software Engineer
The Principle Software Engineer will be responsible for opportunity capture, architecture, design and development for multiple prototypes or proof-of-concept projects and act as the architect for significant portions of applied research projects. The successful candidate should be able to identify the architecture and technologies rapidly and build prototypes and PoCs using that technologies.The candidate will be a recognized resource for other team members, identity and address complex problems and provide solutions that are highly innovative, and have a recognized expertise in all areas of the product.

- Responsible for the opportunity capture, architecture, design of prototypes and PoC projects
- Provides overall functional and technical leadership in certain domain projects
- Authors concise functional and design specifications
- Follows and enforces development processes and standard procedures using agile development approach
- Works as an architect and provides consultant to other members

Experience & Skills
- BS/MS Computer Science with minimum 6 years of relevant software development experience, research experience is a plus
- Strong experience leading an architecture design and technologies selection in project development
- Self-motivated
- Strong Ability to work independently
- Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
- Good English verbal and written communication skills
- Strong experience in Java, C# or C++
- Being an Expert in one or more of the following areas is considered as MUST:
• Online web2.0 service, such as e-commercial, communities, etc.
• SOA, ESB, Web Service applications, middleware.
• Web UI and Swing UI.
• Model-driven architectures.
• IT management software domain, familiar with CIM.
• Distributed processing, grid technologies.
  回复  更多评论
# re: [原创]关注舜亚科技的.NET技术小菜和盛宴 2008-04-25 02:39 | dfgdfdfdf
dfsdsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfdsfsddfssf  回复  更多评论


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