Posted on 2007-07-16 10:23
keith 阅读(4133)
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BEA Workshop
™ Studio 10.1终于看到下载了。版本直接从3.3跳到10.1,大概是为了和Weblogic 10保持一致。遗憾的是10.1版本并没有让人心动的特性。个人感觉只是为了支持新推出的Weblogic Server 10。
我下载试用了一下,和Weblogic Server 10已经绑定在一起,安装时需要选择BEA_HOME。本以为会对EJB3.0提供可视化,可惜没有,依然和3.3版本一样仅仅对EJB3的JPA部分提供支持。
以下是BEA Workshop
™ Studio 10.1增加的新特性:
Workshop for WebLogic and Workshop Studio have Merged
As of version 10.1, all of the functionality of WebLogic for Workshop and Workshop Studio have merged into one IDE.
To migrate your applications to the new IDE, see Upgrading to Workshop 10.1.
New features include:
Deployment to versions 8.1, 9.x, and 10.0 of WebLogic Server
Workshop 10.1 now supports deployment to these versions of WebLogic Server:
Improved Page Flow Support and AppXRay Integration
- JSP editor with WYSIWYG design view
- Code completion on NetUI tag attributes, both for static values and expressions
- Ctrl+click navigation on NetUI tag attribute values
- Page flow specific validation on NetUI tag attribute values
- Rich property sheet support via with lots of useful “value pickers”
- Integration with WTP JSP templates for very easy customization of initial JSP content
Workshop Quick Start Applications
Instead of creating one project at a time to build up an application structure, Workshop Quick Start Applications let you create multiple projects simulataneously. Project dependencies are created already in place, as is a WebLogic server configuration. For details see Workshop Quick Start Applications.
Support for Maven Build Integration
Workshop's Ant-based build supports integration with Maven-based build infrastructures.
Built on Eclipse 3.2.2 and WTP 1.5.4
Workshop version 10.1 is built on the Eclipse Platform, an open source framework that is now widely used for Java development. Workshop extends Eclipse 3.2.2 and the Web Tools Platform 1.5.4.