B/S通常我们的权限控制包括以下几个方面:1,Web层访问权限控制(包括URL级或Button/Link级);2,业务逻辑访问控制,主要指业务逻辑中方法级的权限控制;3,数据访问权限控制,主要指对Table, View的访问控制,严格的控制会到Row级,甚至是Field级。
1public class NavigationHandleWithAuthImpl extends NavigationHandler {
3 /** *//**
4 * Field DEBUGLOG.
5 */
6 private static final Logger DEBUGLOG = Logger.getLogger(Constant.LOG_DEBUG);
8 /** *//**
9 * Field ERRORLOG.
10 */
11 private static final Logger ERRORLOG = Logger.getLogger(Constant.LOG_ERROR);
13 /** *//**
14 * Field IGNORED_URI.
15 */
16 private static final String IGNORED_URI = "/login.faces;/send.faces;"
17 + "/mainlayout.faces;/backForward.faces";
19 /** *//**
20 * Application associate that contains navigation mappings loaded from
21 * configuration file(s).
22 */
23 private ApplicationAssociate associate = null;
25 /** *//**
26 * This constructor uses the current <code>Application</code> instance to
27 * obtain the navigation mappings used to make navigational decisions.
28 */
29 public NavigationHandleWithAuthImpl() {
30 super();
31 if (DEBUGLOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
32 DEBUGLOG.debug("Created NavigationHandler instance ");
33 }
34 // if the user is using the decorator pattern, this would cause
35 // our ApplicationAssociate to be created, if it isn't already
36 // created.
37 ApplicationFactory aFactory = (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder
38 .getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY);
39 aFactory.getApplication();
40 associate = ApplicationAssociate.getInstance(ConfigureListener
41 .getExternalContextDuringInitialize());
42 }
44 /** *//**
45 * 检查URL权限
46 *
47 * @param authList
48 * List<FunctionVo>
49 * @param uri
50 * String
51 * @return boolean
52 */
53 private boolean checkURL(List<FunctionVo> authList, String uri) {
54 if (authList == null) {
55 return false;
56 }
57 for (FunctionVo vo : authList) {
58 String authUri = vo.getUrl();
59 if (authUri != null && !authUri.equals("")) {
60 int index = authUri.indexOf("?");
61 if (index >= 0) {
62 authUri = authUri.substring(0, index);
63 }
64 }
65 if (uri.equals("/" + authUri)) {
66 return true;
67 }
68 }
69 return false;
70 }
72 /** *//**
73 * Determine the next view based on the current view
74 * (<code>from-view-id</code>
75 * stored in <code>FacesContext</code>), <code>fromAction</code> and
76 * <code>outcome</code>.
77 *
78 * @param context
79 * The <code>FacesContext</code>
80 * @param fromAction
81 * the action reference string
82 * @param outcome
83 * the outcome string
84 */
85 public void handleNavigation(FacesContext context, String fromAction,
86 String outcome) {
87 if (context == null) {
88 String message = Util
89 .getExceptionMessageString(Util.
91 message = message + " context " + context;
92 throw new NullPointerException(message);
93 }
94 if (outcome == null) {
95 if (DEBUGLOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
96 DEBUGLOG.debug("No navigation rule found for outcome "
97 + outcome + "and viewId "
98 + context.getViewRoot().getViewId()
99 + " Explicitly remain on the current view ");
100 }
101 return; // Explicitly remain on the current view
102 }
103 CaseStruct caseStruct = getViewId(context, fromAction, outcome);
104 ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext();
105 if (caseStruct != null) {
106 Object obj = context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get(
107 Constant.LOGIN_INFO_KEY);
108 List authList = null;
109 if (obj != null) {
110 authList = ((LoginInfo) obj).getAuthorityFunctionVoList();
111 }
112 String uri = caseStruct.navCase.getToViewId().replace(".jsp",
113 ".faces");
114 boolean flag=true;
115 if (this.IGNORED_URI.indexOf(uri) < 0) {
116 if (authList != null && !this.checkURL(authList, uri)) {
117 // URI is invalid
118 flag=false;
119 }
120 }
122 ViewHandler viewHandler = Util.getViewHandler(context);
123 Util.doAssert(null != viewHandler);
125 if (caseStruct.navCase.hasRedirect()) {
126 // perform a 302 redirect.
127 String newPath = viewHandler.getActionURL(context,
128 caseStruct.viewId);
130 try {
131 if (DEBUGLOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
132 DEBUGLOG.debug("Redirecting to path " + newPath
133 + " for outcome " + outcome + "and viewId "
134 + caseStruct.viewId);
135 }
136 extContext.redirect(newPath);
137 } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
138 String message = "Redirect to " + newPath + " failed.";
139 ERRORLOG.error(message);
140 throw new FacesException(message, ioe);
141 }
142 context.responseComplete();
143 if (DEBUGLOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
145 .debug("Response complete for "
146 + caseStruct.viewId);
147 }
148 } else {
149 UIViewRoot newRoot = null;
150 if (flag) {
151 newRoot = viewHandler
152 .createView(context, caseStruct.viewId);
153 } else {
154 newRoot = viewHandler.createView(context,
155 "/backForward.jsp");
156 }
157 context.setViewRoot(newRoot);
158 if (DEBUGLOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
159 DEBUGLOG.debug("Set new view in FacesContext for "
160 + caseStruct.viewId);
161 }
162 }
163 }
164 }
166 /** *//**
167 * This method uses helper methods to determine the new <code>view</code>
168 * identifier. Refer to section 7.4.2 of the specification for more details.
169 *
170 * @param context
171 * The Faces Context
172 * @param fromAction
173 * The action reference string
174 * @param outcome
175 * The outcome string
176 * @return The <code>view</code> identifier.
177 */
178 private CaseStruct getViewId(FacesContext context, String fromAction,
179 String outcome) {
180 // String nextViewId = null;
181 String viewId = context.getViewRoot().getViewId();
182 CaseStruct caseStruct = null;
184 synchronized (this) {
185 caseStruct = findExactMatch(viewId, fromAction, outcome);
187 if (caseStruct == null) {
188 caseStruct = findWildCardMatch(viewId, fromAction, outcome);
189 }
191 if (caseStruct == null) {
192 caseStruct = findDefaultMatch(fromAction, outcome);
193 }
194 }
195 return caseStruct;
196 }
198 /** *//**
199 * This method finds the List of cases for the current <code>view</code>
200 * identifier. After the cases are found, the <code>from-action</code> and
201 * <code>from-outcome</code> values are evaluated to determine the new
202 * <code>view</code> identifier. Refer to section 7.4.2 of the
203 * specification for more details.
204 *
205 * @param viewId
206 * The current <code>view</code> identifier.
207 * @param fromAction
208 * The action reference string.
209 * @param outcome
210 * The outcome string.
211 * @return The <code>view</code> identifier.
212 */
214 private synchronized CaseStruct findExactMatch(String viewId,
215 String fromAction, String outcome) {
216 // String returnViewId = null;
217 // if the user has elected to replace the Application instance
218 // entirely
219 if (null == associate) {
220 return null;
221 }
222 Map caseListMap = associate.getNavigationCaseListMappings();
223 Util.doAssert(null != caseListMap);
224 List caseList = (List) caseListMap.get(viewId);
225 if (caseList == null) {
226 return null;
227 }
228 // We've found an exact match for the viewId. Now we need to evaluate
229 // from-action/outcome in the following order:
230 // 1) elements specifying both from-action and from-outcome
231 // 2) elements specifying only from-outcome
232 // 3) elements specifying only from-action
233 // 4) elements where both from-action and from-outcome are null
234 return determineViewFromActionOutcome(caseList, fromAction, outcome);
235 }
237 /** *//**
238 * This method traverses the wild card match List (containing
239 * <code>from-view-id</code> strings and finds the List of cases for each
240 * <code>from-view-id</code> string. Refer to section 7.4.2 of the
241 * specification for more details.
242 *
243 * @param viewId
244 * The current <code>view</code> identifier.
245 * @param fromAction
246 * The action reference string.
247 * @param outcome
248 * The outcome string.
249 * @return The <code>view</code> identifier.
250 */
251 private synchronized CaseStruct findWildCardMatch(String viewId,
252 String fromAction, String outcome) {
253 CaseStruct result = null;
255 // if the user has elected to replace the Application instance
256 // entirely
257 if (null == associate) {
258 return null;
259 }
261 Map caseListMap = associate.getNavigationCaseListMappings();
262 Util.doAssert(null != caseListMap);
263 TreeSet wildcardMatchList = associate.getNavigationWildCardList();
264 Util.doAssert(null != wildcardMatchList);
266 Iterator iter = wildcardMatchList.iterator();
267 String fromViewId;
268 List caseList;
269 String wcFromViewId = null;
270 while (iter.hasNext()) {
271 fromViewId = (String) iter.next();
272 // See if the entire wildcard string (without the trailing "*" is
273 // contained in the incoming viewId. Ex: /foobar is contained with
274 // /foobarbaz
275 // If so, then we have found our largest pattern match..
276 // If not, then continue on to the next case;
278 if (viewId.indexOf(fromViewId, 0) == -1) {
279 continue;
280 }
281 // Append the trailing "*" so we can do our map lookup;
282 wcFromViewId = fromViewId + "*";
283 caseList = (List) caseListMap.get(wcFromViewId);
285 if (caseList == null) {
286 return null;
287 }
289 // If we've found a match, then we need to evaluate
290 // from-action/outcome in the following order:
291 // 1) elements specifying both from-action and from-outcome
292 // 2) elements specifying only from-outcome
293 // 3) elements specifying only from-action
294 // 4) elements where both from-action and from-outcome are null
296 result = determineViewFromActionOutcome(caseList, fromAction,
297 outcome);
298 if (result != null) {
299 break;
300 }
301 }
302 return result;
303 }
305 /** *//**
306 * This method will extract the cases for which a <code>from-view-id</code>
307 * is an asterisk "*". Refer to section 7.4.2 of the specification for more
308 * details.
309 *
310 * @param fromAction
311 * The action reference string.
312 * @param outcome
313 * The outcome string.
314 * @return The <code>view</code> identifier.
315 */
317 private synchronized CaseStruct findDefaultMatch(String fromAction,
318 String outcome) {
319 // String returnViewId = null;
320 // if the user has elected to replace the Application instance
321 // entirely
322 if (null == associate) {
323 return null;
324 }
326 Map caseListMap = associate.getNavigationCaseListMappings();
327 Util.doAssert(null != caseListMap);
329 List caseList = (List) caseListMap.get("*");
331 if (caseList == null) {
332 return null;
333 }
335 // We need to evaluate from-action/outcome in the follow
336 // order: 1)elements specifying both from-action and from-outcome
337 // 2) elements specifying only from-outcome
338 // 3) elements specifying only from-action
339 // 4) elements where both from-action and from-outcome are null
341 return determineViewFromActionOutcome(caseList, fromAction, outcome);
342 }
344 /** *//**
345 * This method will attempt to find the <code>view</code> identifier based
346 * on action reference and outcome. Refer to section 7.4.2 of the
347 * specification for more details.
348 *
349 * @param caseList
350 * The list of navigation cases.
351 * @param fromAction
352 * The action reference string.
353 * @param outcome
354 * The outcome string.
355 * @return The <code>view</code> identifier.
356 */
357 private synchronized CaseStruct determineViewFromActionOutcome(
358 List caseList, String fromAction, String outcome) {
360 String cncFromAction = null;
361 String fromOutcome = null;
362 String toViewId = null;
363 CaseStruct result = new CaseStruct();
364 int size=caseList.size();
365 ConfigNavigationCase cnc = null;
366 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
367 cnc = (ConfigNavigationCase) caseList.get(i);
368 cncFromAction = cnc.getFromAction();
369 fromOutcome = cnc.getFromOutcome();
370 toViewId = cnc.getToViewId();
371 if ((cncFromAction != null) && (fromOutcome != null)) {
372 if ((cncFromAction.equals(fromAction))
373 && (fromOutcome.equals(outcome))) {
374 result.viewId = toViewId;
375 result.navCase = cnc;
376 return result;
377 }
378 }
379 }
380 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
381 cnc = (ConfigNavigationCase) caseList.get(i);
382 cncFromAction = cnc.getFromAction();
383 fromOutcome = cnc.getFromOutcome();
384 toViewId = cnc.getToViewId();
385 if ((cncFromAction == null) && (fromOutcome != null)) {
386 if (fromOutcome.equals(outcome)) {
387 result.viewId = toViewId;
388 result.navCase = cnc;
389 return result;
390 }
391 }
392 }
394 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
395 cnc = (ConfigNavigationCase) caseList.get(i);
396 cncFromAction = cnc.getFromAction();
397 fromOutcome = cnc.getFromOutcome();
398 toViewId = cnc.getToViewId();
399 if ((cncFromAction != null) && (fromOutcome == null)) {
400 if (cncFromAction.equals(fromAction)) {
401 result.viewId = toViewId;
402 result.navCase = cnc;
403 return result;
404 }
405 }
406 }
408 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
409 cnc = (ConfigNavigationCase) caseList.get(i);
410 cncFromAction = cnc.getFromAction();
411 fromOutcome = cnc.getFromOutcome();
412 toViewId = cnc.getToViewId();
413 if ((cncFromAction == null) && (fromOutcome == null)) {
414 result.viewId = toViewId;
415 result.navCase = cnc;
416 return result;
417 }
418 }
420 return null;
421 }
423 /** *//**
424 * @author robin
425 */
426 class CaseStruct {
428 /** *//**
429 * Field viewId.
430 */
431 protected String viewId;
433 /** *//**
434 * Field navCase.
435 */
436 protected ConfigNavigationCase navCase;
437 }
440 来看看其中的关键部分,149行起:
UIViewRoot newRoot = null;
if (flag) {
newRoot = viewHandler
.createView(context, caseStruct.viewId);
} else {
newRoot = viewHandler.createView(context,
context.setViewRoot(newRoot); 当然别忘了在faces-config.xml中加入自定义Application Navigation的配置,如下:
2 <application>
3 <navigation-handler id="navigationWithAuth">
4 com.***.framework.NavigationHandleWithAuthImpl
5 </navigation-handler>
6 </application>
11</faces-config> 注意:
posted on 2007-10-16 14:07
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