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We can use extract method of the sound class in Flex 4/Flash 10, the method is able to extract raw wave data from SWF object. The technology is new feature, I have used this new technology recently, and I have got some result:
The extract method like a black box, we can't know what does it do.

1, Extract low sample rate sound will be get more samples, I can't understand that why like this. I know that it will transfer all kind of sample rate to 44.1KHz, but we can't know that how to transfer?

2, MPEG wave data is not bound to a single frame, so we need overlap some frames in a SWF sound what the sound compose of some frames. the overlap size is an experience value, in general, I set it as 7 frames. The value is depend your parse frames and detail extract algorithm sometimes. Anyway, 7 is my recommendation value.

3, This method can provide some very useful function with SoundMixer class for extend your application. For instance, show wave shape, add some effect, etc.
There is a sample for show waveform:

At last, I strong recommend an open source project, this project is a stream player based on Flex platform.

If you had deeply researched at this method, please communication with me. thank you!

posted on 2009-12-15 12:50 Robin's Programming World 阅读(481) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Flex & Flash

# re: Sound Extract Method Study[未登录] 2009-12-15 13:47 | Sean
Man, it's coooooooooool  回复  更多评论
# re: Sound Extract Method Study 2009-12-15 16:04 | Robin's Java World
Thank you a lot!  回复  更多评论

