系统定义为由一组不同的元素相互连接或关联以提供其单独不能提供的独特功能(Eberhardt Rechtin)。IEEE扩展了这个定义:系统是一组组件组织起来完成一个或一组特别的功能(IEEE Std. 610.12-1990)。
组件设计、演化的原则。(The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its
components, their relationships to each other, and to the environment,
and the principles guiding its design and evolution. IEEE Std 1471-2000)
不同的受益人从不同的视点(Viewpoint)看待架构,这导致了架构的描述必定具有不同的视图。不同的架构方法(如Rose 4+1
(Business Architecture)、IT技术架构(Information Technology
Architecture)、信息架构(Information Architecture)和应用架构(Application
Enterprise Viewpoint <---> Business Architecture
Computional Viewpoint <---> Application Architecture
Information Viewpoint <---> Information Architecture
Technology Viewpoint <---> Information
Technology Architecture
Engineering Viewpoint <---> Information Technology Architecture
我们通常说到架构时,往往偏向Computional, Information和Technology方面。最近以来,似乎有更加偏向Technology的趋势,这不是一个好现象。
UML 1.3: A system is a collection of connected units that are organized to accomplish
a specific purpose. A system can be described by one or more models, possibly from
different viewpoints.
Dewayne E. Perry and Alexander L. Wolf:
software architecture is a set of architectural (or, if you will,
design) elements that have a particular form. We distinguish three
different classes of architectural element: processing elements; data
elements; and connecting elements.
Garlan and Perry: The structure of the
components of a program/system, their interrelationships, and
principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over
Boosch: Software architecture encompasses the set of significant decisions about the organization of a software system
• selection of the structural elements and their interfaces by which a system is composed
• behavior as specified in collaborations among those elements
• composition of these structural and behavioral elements into larger subsystem
Bass, Clements, and Kazman: The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise
- the externally visible properties of those components,
- and the relationships among them.”