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>>>             Begin CompressionFilter <<<

Compression is enabled[DEBUG CompressionFilter]

Compressing http://localhost/[DEBUG CompressionFilter]

>>>             Begin StripFilter        <<<

Strip is enabled[DEBUG StripFilter]

Create session B363B60BAF561ECC6041C9E73D60CF6A and Put it into PortalSessionContext[DEBUG PortalSessionListener]

location replace '/c'[ index.jsp ]

Stripping http://localhost/[DEBUG StripFilter]

Stripping content of type text/html[DEBUG StripFilter]

Stripped the contecnt from 160 bytes to 151 bytes[DEBUG StripFilter]

>>>             End StripFilter         <<<

>>>             End CompressionFilter   <<<

>>>             Begin CompressionFilter <<<

Compression is enabled[DEBUG CompressionFilter]

Compressing http://localhost/c[DEBUG CompressionFilter]

>>>             Begin SecureFilter      <<<

Access allowed for[DEBUG SecureFilter]

https is not required[DEBUG SecureFilter]

Not securing http://localhost/c[DEBUG SecureFilter]

>>>             Begin StripFilter       <<<

Strip is enabled[DEBUG StripFilter]

#STEP00:        MainServlet Begin to process request '/c'[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP01:    Check whether the instances is larger than the parameter defined in portal.propertites[DEBUG MainServlet


#STEP02:        Check whether the application is logicly shut down[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP03:        Get portalCtx from context and set it into request[DEBUG MainServlet]

Loading file:D:/liferay/appserver/Tomcat-5.0.28/common/classes/ for

Loading file:D:/liferay/appserver/Tomcat-5.0.28/common/classes/ for

Get portalCtx [org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade@d9b7c1] from ctx[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP04:        Get companyId from context and set into into portalCtx,session and request[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP05:        Get path variable from context and set them into into portalCtx,session and request[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP05:        Get chatServer from context and set into into portalCtx,session[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP06:        Get PortletRequestProcessor from portalCtx[DEBUG MainServlet]

PortletRequestProcessor is not in portalCtx so initial PortletRequestProcessor '21259641' and set it into portalCtx[DEBU

G MainServlet]

#STEP07:        Process other attributes in portal if is null get them from ctx[DEBUG MainServlet]

Get FACES_CLASS_LOADER from ctx and set into portalCtx[DEBUG MainServlet]

Get ASSOCIATE_KEY from ctx and set into portalCtx[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP08:        Set request character encoding using 'UTF-8'[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP09:        Process content type 'null'[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP10:        Process current url 'http://localhost/c'[DEBUG MainServlet]

Now completeURL is /c and set it into request[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP11:        Process LoginUserId 'null'; Remote User 'null'[DEBUG MainServlet]


##STEP01:       Get company from request[DEBUG ServicePreAction ]

##STEP02:       Get context path []by companyid[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

User is null ,so get company default user[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP03:       Processing locale null[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Cannot get local from current session, so set en_US in session[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Layout id is null[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Get layouts use general GENERAL_GUEST and DEFAULT_PARENT_LAYOUT_ID[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Get 1 layouts which groupId='1' and parentLayoutId='-1'[DEBUG GroupLocalServiceImpl]

Set layout into session[DEBUG LayoutClonePool]

##STEP04:       Processed Layout Home[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Get theme and colorScheme by group 1[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP05:       Processed Theme and Color Scheme {Theme Brochure; Color Scheme Default} and set them into request attrib

ute[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP06:       Processed Resolution [DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP07:       Create new ThemeDisplay, put all parameters into ThemeDisplay and put it into request[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Creating new instance 8510245[DEBUG PortletDisplay ]

Creating new instance 22705162[DEBUG ThemeDisplay ]

#STEP13:        Call parent service[DEBUG MainServlet]

------------  Begin to process Parent Service  ------------[DEBUG MainServlet]

##STEP00:       Begin to process request for '/c'[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor ]

##STEP01:       Process action mapping[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

AUTH_FORWARD_BY_LAST_PATH is set false ,so return http://localhost/c/portal/layout[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

Can not find ActionMapping for path /c so change path to http://localhost/c/portal/layout[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

Send redirect to http://localhost/c/portal/layout[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

------------ Success to process Parent Service ------------[DEBUG MainServlet]


##STEP01:       Process requestURI[DEBUG ServicePostAction ]

##STEP02:       Get ThemeDisplay from request and clean up it[DEBUG ServicePostAction]

Recycling instance 22705162[DEBUG ThemeDisplay]

Recycling  or initial instance 8510245[DEBUG PortletDisplay]

##STEP03:       Clear all messages and error messages stored in session attribute[DEBUG ServicePostAction]

#STEP15:        Add liferay release info into request header[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP16:        Clear the principal associated with this thread[DEBUG MainServlet]

Set Name null[DEBUG PrincipalThreadLocal]

#STEPXX:        MainServlet     End to process request '/c'[DEBUG MainServlet]

Response has no content to strip[DEBUG StripFilter]

>>>             End StripFilter         <<<

>>>             End SecureFilter        <<<

>>>             End CompressionFilter   <<<

>>>             Begin CompressionFilter <<<

Compression is enabled[DEBUG CompressionFilter]

Compressing http://localhost/c/portal/layout[DEBUG CompressionFilter]

>>>             Begin SecureFilter      <<<

Access allowed for[DEBUG SecureFilter]

https is not required[DEBUG SecureFilter]

Not securing http://localhost/c/portal/layout[DEBUG SecureFilter]

>>>             Begin StripFilter       <<<

Strip is enabled[DEBUG StripFilter]

#STEP00:        MainServlet Begin to process request '/c/portal/layout'[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP01:        Check whether the instances is larger than the parameter defined in portal.propertites[DEBUG MainServlet


#STEP02:        Check whether the application is logicly shut down[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP03:        Get portalCtx from context and set it into request[DEBUG MainServlet]

Get portalCtx [org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContextFacade@d9b7c1] from ctx[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP04:        Get companyId from context and set into into portalCtx,session and request[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP05:        Get path variable from context and set them into into portalCtx,session and request[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP05:        Get chatServer from context and set into into portalCtx,session[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP06:        Get PortletRequestProcessor from portalCtx[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP07:        Process other attributes in portal if is null get them from ctx[DEBUG MainServlet]

Get FACES_CLASS_LOADER from ctx and set into portalCtx[DEBUG MainServlet]

Get ASSOCIATE_KEY from ctx and set into portalCtx[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP08:        Set request character encoding using 'UTF-8'[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP09:        Process content type 'null'[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP10:        Process current url 'http://localhost/c/portal/layout'[DEBUG MainServlet]

Now completeURL is /c/portal/layout and set it into request[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP11:        Process LoginUserId 'null'; Remote User 'null'[DEBUG MainServlet]


##STEP01:       Get company from request[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP02:       Get context path []by companyid[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

User is null ,so get company default user[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP03:       Processing locale en_US[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Layout id is null[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Get layouts use general GENERAL_GUEST and DEFAULT_PARENT_LAYOUT_ID[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Get 1 layouts which groupId='1' and parentLayoutId='-1'[DEBUG GroupLocalServiceImpl ]

Get layout from session[DEBUG LayoutClonePool]

##STEP04:       Processed Layout Home[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

Get theme and colorScheme by group 1[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP05:       Processed Theme and Color Scheme {Theme Brochure; Color Scheme Default} and set them into request attrib

ute[DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP06:       Processed Resolution [DEBUG ServicePreAction]

##STEP07:       Create new ThemeDisplay, put all parameters into ThemeDisplay and put it into request[DEBUG ServicePreAc


#STEP13:        Call parent service[DEBUG MainServlet]

------------  Begin to process Parent Service  ------------[DEBUG MainServlet]

##STEP00:       Begin to process request for '/portal/layout'[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

##STEP01:       Process action mapping[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

##STEP02:       Find ActionMapping for /portal/layout, super begin to process[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

###STEP00:      Begin to process path /portal/layout[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

###STEP01:      Process userTracker [DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

###STEP02:      Process save last path[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

Create new LastPath for '/portal/layout'[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

Save last path /portal/layout in session[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

###STEP03:      Process auto login[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

Begin to process auto login[INFO  PortalRequestProcessor]

Using com.liferay.portal.auth.BasicAutoLogin as AutoLogin class[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

Cannot get autoUserId from cookie[DEBUG BasicAutoLogin]

###STEP04:      Process return path by userId and user[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

###STEPXX:      Return path /portal/layout[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

------------    Begin   ------------[DEBUG LayoutAction]

LayoutId : []; Action : [][DEBUG LayoutAction]

Can not fine p_l_id parameter in request so process forward layout by request[DEBUG LayoutAction]

ThemeDisplayPathFriendlyURL : /web; GroupFriendlyURL : /guest; LayoutFriendlyURL : /home [DEBUG PortalUtil ]

Get layout friendly url by PortalUtil : /web/guest/home[DEBUG LayoutAction ]

Forward to /common/forward_js.jsp[DEBUG LayoutAction]

------------    END     ------------[DEBUG LayoutAction]

forwardParam : null; forwardRequest : /web/guest/home; forwardSession : null [forward_common.jsp]

forwardURL : /web/guest/home [forward_common.jsp]

self.location = /web/guest/home [common\forward_js.jsp]

##STEPXX:       End to process request for /portal/layout[DEBUG PortalRequestProcessor]

------------ Success to process Parent Service ------------[DEBUG MainServlet]


##STEP01:       Process requestURI[DEBUG ServicePostAction]

##STEP02:       Get ThemeDisplay from request and clean up it[DEBUG ServicePostAction]

Recycling instance 22705162[DEBUG ThemeDisplay]

Recycling  or initial instance 8510245[DEBUG PortletDisplay]

##STEP03:       Clear all messages and error messages stored in session attribute[DEBUG ServicePostAction]

#STEP15:        Add liferay release info into request header[DEBUG MainServlet]

#STEP16:        Clear the principal associated with this thread[DEBUG MainServlet]

Set Name null[DEBUG PrincipalThreadLocal]

#STEPXX:        MainServlet     End to process request '/c/portal/layout'[DEBUG MainServlet]

Stripping http://localhost/c/portal/layout[DEBUG StripFilter]

Stripping content of type text/html; charset=UTF-8[DEBUG StripFilter]

Stripped the contecnt from 97 bytes to 75 bytes[DEBUG StripFilter]

posted on 2007-09-21 18:15 Peter Pan 阅读(1469) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: PORTAL


# re: (转)liferay登陆页面 2007-09-22 00:05 千里冰封
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