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        这几天碰到个问题:在weblogic中调用async webservice,如果客户端不等待结果(比如服务器端因为某些原因,web service需要执行很长时间),直接退出的话,weblogic server是否保存调用结果,结果保存多长时间? 如果这样的异常客户端很多,对服务器有什么负面影响,比如连接资源、内存开销等。

        首先我们先阐述一下异步的概念 在weblogic webservice中,有两处异步的概念:
        1:Synchronous request-response (the default behavior) means that every time a client application invokes a Web Service operation, it receives a SOAP response, even if the method that Choosing RPC-Oriented or Document-Oriented Web Services Programming WebLogic Web Services 4-3 implements the operation returns void. Asynchronous one-way means that the client never receives a SOAP response, even a fault or exception.
        默认情况下,weblogic webservice是请求-应答模式的,即客户端会block当前线程,直到server端处理完该请求(即使该请求没有任何返回值,void)。当web service不返回结果,客户端只是提交请求,不需要知道执行结果的时候,可以采用异步单向模式。这种情况下,客户端线程为非阻塞的,它只负责提交请求,而不需要返回结果。定义这样的异步web service时,需要遵循如下的两个原则:
          1.1:The back-end component that implements the operation must explicitly return void.
          1.2:You cannot specify out or in-out parameters to the operation, you can only specify inparameters.

        2:This section describes how to invoke an operation asynchronously. In this context, asynchronously means you invoke an operation and then optionally get the results of the invoke in a later step.


        2.1: web service开发
        开发web service不存在任何区别,但在build client jar的时候,需要在调用clientgen的时候加上generateAsyncMethods = true, 这样clientgen生成的JAX-RPC stub中会多出两个方法,如下:
        FutureResult startMethod (params, AsyncInfo asyncInfo);
        result endMethod (FutureResult futureResult);
其中:Method对应于web service中的方法名,如sayHello---->startSayHello(params, AsyncInfo asyncInfo)。这两个方法就是我们客户端代码中异步调用的时候需要的。

        客户端代码有两种写法,一种是客户端线程主动调用FutuerResult.isCompleted()来检查web service请求是否执行完成,另一种方式是通过Listenter来处理服务器端的返回结果。

//client thread checking

 1     public void runUnblock(){
 2         initializeEnv();
 3         try{
 4             System.out.println(port.getClass().getName());
 5             FutureResult result = port.startSayHello(3"test"null);
 6             //you other business logic here
 7             if(result.isCompleted())
 8             {
 9                 String ret = port.endSayHello(result);
10                 System.out.println("result from remote HelloWorld web service: ");
11                 System.out.println(ret);
12             }
13         }catch(Exception e){
14             e.printStackTrace();
15         }
16     }
18     public void initializeEnv(){
19         try{
20             helloService = new HelloWorld_Impl();
21             port = helloService.getHelloWorldPort();
22         }catch(Exception e){
23             e.printStackTrace();
24         }
25     }


 1 AsyncInfo asyncInfo = new AsyncInfo();
 2 asyncInfo.setResultListener( new ResultListener(){
 3     public void onCompletion( InvokeCompletedEvent event ){
 4         SimpleTestSoap source = (SimpleTestSoap)event.getSource();
 5         try{
 6             String result = source.endEchoString ( event.getFutureResult() );
 7         } catch ( RemoteException e ){
 8             e.printStackTrace ( System.out );
 9         }
10     }
11 });
12 echoPort.startEchoString( "94501", asyncInfo );



        要解释这个问题,我们先来看看这种调用方式的流程。对于服务器而言,异步、同步调用是一样的,它只负责接收、处理请求,web service的处理,在服务器端是由weblogic.webservice. server.servlet. WebServiceServlet .serverSideInvoke(WebService webservice, Binding binding, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)。同步、异步的处理完全是在客户端完成的,下面就看看客户端的调用流程。

FutureResult result = port.startSayHello(3"test"null);
//it's a JAX-RPC stub, and it extends
weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.StubImpl._startAsyncInvoke( String method, Map args, AsyncInfo wsAsyncContext )
//in this method, Operation is retrieved from Port
weblogic.webservice.core.DefaultOperation.asyncInvoke( Map outParams, Object[] args, AsyncInfo wsContext, PrintStream logStream )
//a ClientDispatcher is created here and then we dispatch our requst with this dispatcher
weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.asyncDispatch(final Object[] args, final AsyncInfo async)
//in this method, FutureResultImpl is created and it will be returned to client. It's responsible to send message and
//receive response from server in another. For receiving response, it's will be discussed later.
weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.send(Object[] args)
//MessageContext is set(for example, BindInfo is set) here and the request will be handle by a handler chain.
weblogic.webservice.core.handler.ClientHandler.handleRequest(MessageContext ctx)
//it check bind info and the delegate the request to binding
weblogic.webservice.binding.http11.Http11ClientBinding.send(MessageContext ctx)
//it retrieve endpoint from bindinfo and then open a HttpURLConnection with the URL created basing on endpoint.
//Reqeust is sent to server with this HttpURLConnection.

1 connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
3 outputStream = connection.getOutputStream();
4 request.writeTo( outputStream );

        请求发送完了,交给服务器去执行,下面我们再来看看客户端是如何处理response的。weblogic.webservice. core.ClientDispatcher.asyncDispatch()中,请求发送结束后,weblogic将启用一个新线程来接受服务器的response,如下:

1       getThreadPool().addTask(new Runnable() {
2         public void run() {
3           callReceive(messageContext);
4         }
5       });


1 //you other business logic here
2 if(result.isCompleted())
3 {
4     String ret = port.endSayHello(result);
5     System.out.println(ret);
6  }


weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.asyncDispatch(final Object[] args, final AsyncInfo async)
weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.callReceive(WLMessageContext ctx)
//call receive() here, and if response was received, set it to FutureResultImpl that owned by the client and if Listener is configured, trigger the listner.

1       if (listener != null) {
2         InvokeCompletedEvent event = new InvokeCompletedEvent(
3             async.getCaller());
5         event.setFutureResult(futureResult);
6         listener.onCompletion(event);
7       }

weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.receive(WLMessageContext ctx)
//resoponse is handled by a handler chain
weblogic.webservice.core.handler.ClientHandler.handleResponse(MessageContext ctx)
weblogic.webservice.binding.http11.Http11ClientBinding.receive( MessageContext context )
//read response from the input stream of connect that we send request with, and the thread will be blocked in
//waiting data from server.


1:如果客户端不等待结果(比如服务器端因为某些原因,web service需要执行很长时间),直接退出的话,weblogic server是否保存调用结果,结果保存多长时间? 
     不会。如果客户端退出前,请求已处理,保存在FutureResultImpl将会因为客户端的退出而销毁。如果没有处理结束,服务器端回写response的时候,虽然指向客户端的连接已经因为客户端退出而close了,但服务器端从该connection中拿到的output stream还在,服务器仍然会将response写入到该output stream中(这是写入的数据是没有接收者的),response写完后,weblogic会关闭output stream, 并close socket。

        不会。如果客户端退出前,请求已处理,则连接已经释放。如果连接保持的时间略大于web service请求在服务器段的处理时间。请求处理结束后,服务器会在回写完response后,主动断开连接(可以看到客户端至server端的连接为TIME_WAIT)。如果客户端退出时,请求依然在服务器端上处理,客户端的退出会导致连接的CLOSE。两种情形都不会因为异常客户端而导致连接浪费。至于内存开销,服务器不会保存执行结果,请求处理结束后,直接回写客户端,所以也不会造成内存资源leak。

        对于那些web service执行时间较长,客户端又希望其他业务并行的应用,这种异步调用是个不错的选择。

posted on 2008-11-24 22:38 走走停停又三年 阅读(2787) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Weblogic

# re: 关于在weblogic中异步调用webservice
2008-11-25 16:26 | @@@

