Netbeans 6.5 M1 已经发布,最新版本的NetBeans 增强了许多功能,同时也引入了许多值得期待的新特性.
其中我比较喜欢的是DataBase 的改进,Eclipse 项目导入变得比以前更方便了,可以正确的区分Web项目
和普通项目,还有Spring Hibernate 增强. GUI 中新增了JDK1.6 u10 中的look&feel 只要你用的是 JDK1.6 u10
就可以使用这个外观预览.数据绑定功能也改进了! 全新的多线程Debug 功能支持!
JavaScript 也加入的Debug功能,还加入了好几个Javascript 库,像JQuery ,Yahoo ui dojo 等等!
还新增了一个 "驼峰拼写" 代码补全功能. 很有意思.
JavaEE 的lib path 也变成了可变的了.此外还增加了快速搜索功能. 更方便搜索! 还有好多个特性呢!
具体看下面的介绍! 英文太多了就不翻译了 大家自己看吧!
UNC paths on Windows
Now the NetBeans IDE supports UNC paths like ""computerName"sharedFolder".
It is possible to install the IDE to UNC like folder and also it is
possible to create projects and other resources on UNC paths.
File Associations options panel and Open As... action
A new panel in options dialog which allows to say to NetBeans that
files with certain extension should be treated as files with a certain
MIME type (see #133773).
You can add a new extension to the list of modify existing one. If you
want to restore default setting for selected extension, you just click
the Default button.
In connection with the above change there was also added a new Open
As... action. It is enabled only for files which are not recognized by
the IDE. User can choose one from supplied MIME types and from now on
all files with this extension are treated as of choosen MIME type.
Running some IDE distributions on JRE
Certain IDE distributions (e.g. PHP IDE) don't require Java JDK to run on, JRE is enough.
Plugin Manager now checks OpenIDE-Module-Package-Dependencies of all
modules which user selects to be installed. If the user's IDE is
running on JRE and the unsatified package dependency might indicate
that JDK is required, user is warned about it and the plugin
installation is not allowed.
Quickly search for action or type is now easy. Use Ctrl-I.
Variable based paths in J2SE/J2EE projects
Since NetBeans 6.1 it is possible to control whether JAR/Folder
added to project classpath is referenced via absolute or relative path.
Now it is also possible to define a global IDE named variable pointing to a folder and use this variable as a base for referring to JARs/Folders.
This feature further simplifies project sharing between users. In scenario where a project depends on JARs for which:
- it is not desirable to store them in VCS; and which
- can be placed in different locations for different users
a named IDE variable can be used.
The variables are managed via Tools -> Variable menu item:
In above screenshot single variable is defined with these details:
When variable based JAR/Folder is added to project classpath you can
see its path starting with variable name (and tooltip showing absolute
Variable based JAR/Fodler is added to classpath via standard means
of "Add Jar/Folder" button in classpath customizer (or "Add JAR/Folder"
action on project's Libraries node in project's view). Custom file
chooser is shown with one new option "Use Variable Path":
Just browse for your JAR/Folder and if selected file is under a
variable the option gets enabled. Alternatively press "..." button and
setup a new variable.
If a user opens project with a variable based path and the variable
is not defined in user's IDE then standard broken reference warning is
shown to advice user to define variable:
Eclipse project import and synchronization
The Eclipse project import feature facilitates mixed IDE development teams.
It allows you to select Eclipse projects from an Eclipse workspace
and generate NetBeans projects for them.
The generated NetBeans project keeps a link to the original Eclipse project
and will update itself after any relevant change:
for example, changing the classpath of the Eclipse project.
The update is done automatically when the NetBeans project is opened,
or can be explicitly requested via a context menu item "Synch with Eclipse" on the project.
This is early preview of the Eclipse import feature which will be fully implemented in Milestone 2.
(It supersedes the limited Eclipse import feature available in former NetBeans releases on the update center.)
We would appreciate feedback and real-life Eclipse projects for testing;
best is to use Issuezilla. (component ide, subcomponent eclipse project import)
Enhanced Java Web Start support
Support for creating applets that can be deployed via Java Web Start was added to NetBeans IDE. Note: the functionality is available in JDK 1.6.0 update 10.
Each application or applet deployed via Java Web Start can specify
external resources (usually other JNLP file in internet). Dialog is
opened by clicking on 'External Resources' button.
Each applet can have number of properties defined in JNLP file,
those properties can be defined in dialog that is opened by clicking
'Applet Parameters'. Also you can set applet dimensions in the dialog.
Sliding windows support original window sizes
Slided-in windows can keep their preferred size instead of being stretched to the whole height/width of the IDE window.
(see #135318).
Some window system features can be turned off by branding of module.
TreeTableView replacement introduced
OutlineView is a new replacement for buggy TreeTableView. It
supports drag and drop, in-place editing of tree cells, enhanced
sorting etc. The data model is fully compatible with TreeTableView.
(see #33281).
Opening Options dialog with preselected subcategories
API in options.api module has been changed to allow open Options dialog with preselected subcategory (see #109538). In your code you can call OptionsDisplayer.getDefault().open("CategoryID/SubcategoryID"); where CategoryID and SubcategoryID are registration names from layer. For selection a panel under Miscellaneous category use OptionsDisplayer.getDefault().open(OptionsDisplayer.ADVANCED+"/SubcategoryID");.
Support allowing a user to drop a text into the palette
It is possible to drag and drop any text to the Palette window to
create a new code snippet. It works for HTML editor palette only at the
moment, more document types will follow soon.
Features first introduced in Early Access for PHP
The NetBeans IDE Early Access for PHP was released in April at the same time as NetBeans 6.1. Milestone 1 of NetBeans 6.5 now contains all features introduced in this release.
Next, in NB 6.5 M1, PHP features are a part of the "all-in-one"
distribution of NetBeans, so they can be used together with all the
other NetBeans features. Of course, there is still the slim PHP edition
of NetBeans, targeted for PHP development specifically.
See below for more features added in NetBeans 6.5 Milestone 1, that
were not present in Early Access. Also, to keep up with the new
features added to NetBeans PHP support, make sure to check and bookmark
the NetBeans PHP Team Blog.
Generate code to connect to a MySQL database and to display the data
in a database table. These snippets are available under the Generate
Code action [Alt+Insert], just like in the Java editor.
Find Usages
Available also for PHP development. Right click the item and select "Find Usages" or hit Alt-F7.
Multiple project configurations
- running, debugging either as script or as web page in browser
- index file, arguments ...
- Supported browsers
- Firefox 2.0.0.X
- Requires Firebug 1.1beta. An automatic installation is attempted when not found.
- Add & delete breakpoints in JavaScript code
- Html Files
- JavaScript Files
- URL source resulting from server side technologies such as JSP
- Manage debugger session
- View & navigate source artifacts
- Html Files
- JavaScript files
- URL source resulting from server side technologies such as JSP
- View window/frame structure
- View & navigate JavaScript Callstack
- View local variables
- Set & delete watches
- View (static) browser DOM in the IDE
- J2EE & Ruby Project integration
- Debug Client Session: Run the project and launch a JavaScript
debugging session in NetBeans, attached to the Firefox 2.0.0.X browser
where the client-side application is running
- Source Mapping: Correlate a client-side application (browser
DOM) identified by a URI with the corresponding source file in the J2EE
project (limited mapping in M1) Mapping for:
- Html files
- JavaScript files
User Guide
- Utilizes NetBeans Library Manager to manage JavaScript libraries
- Wizard to add JS libraries to Java EE, Ruby, or PHP projects (Tools->Add JavaScript Libraries)
- Yahoo UI
- WoodStock
- jQuery
- dojo
- scriptaculous
- prototype
Javadoc Analyzer
plugin provides ability to check and fix Javadoc comments in your
source code. Just select project/package/files and invoke "Source |
Analyze Javadoc".
Auto comment functionality is back.
Call Hierarchy
Show all callers/callees in the search scope of the selected member.
You can specify formatting settings individually for each project
CamelCase code completion
completion improved. Just write first letters of each word in method to
get smart code completion. For instance "iL" stands for invokeLater.
Improved Encapsulate Fields Refactoring
Encapsulate Fields Refactoring Improved. New options available.
Option to remove whitespace at end of line
Top voted
enhancement finally implemented
Java SE Project Integration
Improved New Connection dialog
the dialog for creating a new database connection does not expect you
to know the details of the JDBC URL to open a connection. If you want
to modify the URL, however, you can do so, just click on the "Show JDBC
URL" checkbox. Changes to the URL are reflected in the fields and vice
SQL history dialog
that has been executed is saved to a file in the userdir and available
for viewing in a dialog and also SQL can be selected and reinserted in
an existing SQL file.
Server Support
GlassFish V3 integration module.
Is now part of the Web & Java EE and Ruby bundles.
No need to get the modules from the update center.
Web frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, JSF, JSF CRUD Generator, JPA)
- Improved Java class FQN completion
Code completion is now faster than the earlier version. For
efficiency, Java class FQN completion is now a two step process. Most
of the times, a user will need only classes defined locally in the
project (source classpath). Hence the first CTRL+SPACE will list only
the items in the source classpath, as shown below:
If the user wishes to add an item not in the source classpath, he
can press CTRL+SPACE again. Also, if the typed prefix does not match
any local item, the completion will automatically switch to show all
items instead of just local items.
A Go to Spring Bean dialog is similar to the Go to Type
dialog and will allow the user to quickly navigate to a given Spring
Bean definition by it's name. The user selects the main menu item
Navigate | Go to Spring Bean... or the keyboard short cut
Alt + Shift + B to invoke the Go to Spring Bean dialog.
- Refactoring support for Java properties
When refactoring Java Bean property getters and setters, the
corresponding usages in the Spring XML Configuration files are also
- Reverse Engineering support. With an existing configuration, POJOs and mapping files can be generated using this feature. See Reverse Engineering for more details
- HQL query execution support. Execute HQL queries right inside the IDE. Queries can include joins and clauses. See HQL Editor for more details
- Refactoring of hibernate mapping files is supported. See Refactoring for more details.
JSF, JSF CRUD Generator
editor support for both JSF Configuration Files and JSF JSP Pages are
both improved. The improved features include: Code Completion,
Hyperlink, Refactoring, and Find Usage. More details can be found at
Editor Support in JSF Configuration Files and JSP Files.
- Code Completion: On top of the generic JSP editing features,
the JSP editor for the JSF page file provides additional code
completion for Managed Beans and Resource Bundles.
Example | Code Completion UI |
Managed Beans |
![JsfEditorSupportCodeComplete2.gif]( |
Resource Bundles |
![JsfEditorSupportCodeComplete4.gif]( |
- Hyperlink: By using the Hyperlink inside the JSF configuration
files and JSF JSP Pages, developers can fast navigate from one source
to another reference.
JSF Configuration Files Example | File opened |
<managed-bean-class>foo.ManagedBean</managed-bean-class> |
the Java file under package foo |
<to-view-id>/Page2.jsp</to-view-id> |
the JSF page file Page2.jsp under the context root |
JSF JSP Pages Example | File opened |
<h3><h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.min}"/></h3> |
the JSF configuration file on position where the managed bean been defined |
<h3><h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.min}"/></h3> |
the appropriate Java file on position where the getter for the property been defined |
- Refactoring Support: The refactoring support processes all
files in the list of JSF configuration files. Bean and Java
class/method usages are found in bean and alias elements and their
subelements, as well as elements in the util namespace.
Example | Refactoring UI |
Managed Beans |
![JsfEditorSupportRefactoring1.gif]( |
Folder / Package |
![JsfEditorSupportRefactoring2.gif]( |
- Find usages: The JSF support will plug into the Java find
usages to show JSF beans definitions which refer to Java elements
(classes, methods, fields, properties). The Find Usages action will be
available for bean definitions as well, to show beans used by other
Example | Usages UI |
Managed Beans |
![JsfEditorSupportUsages.gif]( |
- The JSF CRUD Generator now applies default styles.
In NetBean 6.5, the Entity Classes from Database wizard has one
additional panel to allow the user to configure the following mapping
- Association Fetch: can be default, eager or lazy. By default,
it is default, meaning no fetch attribute will be added to the
relationship annotations
- Collection Type: The collection type used for OneToMany and
ManyToMany CMR fields. Can be java.util.Collection, java.util.List or
java.util.Set. By default, it is java.util.Collection.
- Fully Qualified Database Table Names: if checked, catalog
and schema attributes will be added on @Table. By default, it is not
- Attributes for Regenerating Database Tables: if checked,
nullable (when it is false), length (for String type), precision and
scale (for decimal type) will be added on @Column. Unique constraints
will be added on @Table if checked. By default, it is not checked.
The panel is at the last step of the wizard. It is optional.
Development is migrating UML to the NetBeans Visual Library. The
majority of the planned features are now implemented in the release
trunk and the Development is focused on stabilizing the code for
release. The new UML will be available in M2. Please see
UML Current Projects for additional information.
Mobility Data binding provides a simple and consistent way for
applications to present and interact with data in the Visual Designer.
It utilizes the Databinding libraries available in Netbeans Mobility.
New custom component DataSet which provides data for UI components.
Supported components in Milstone 1:
- TextField ( Text, Label)
- ImageItem (Image, Label)
- DateField (Date, Label)
- StringItem (Text, Label)
- rest of the Items ( Label)
Databinding support in the custom property editors:
Generated code for empty DataSet:
Custom Component Support
Component Support helps to create the Visual Mobile Designer Custom
Components. It generates all of the necessary Custom Component
infrastructure including: Module project Infrastructure, components
descriptors and producers as well the layer.xml file.
New Project Custom Component wizard.
Generated project and classes with one component descriptor and one producer.
Add Mobile Custom Component wizard.
Full description of this feature i available here: Custom Components API Project Support - DRAFT
New SVG Support
Motivation is to extend group of existing SVG components to provide
better support for creation of compelling UI on mobile platforms using
SVG technology.
New components available in the SVG library:
- SVGForm
- Button
- RadioButton
- CheckBox
- ComboBox
- Label
- List
- Slider
- Spinner
- TextField
SVG Components in action:
New Multithreaded Debugging Support
is a summary description for the new Multithreaded Debugging Support
that is available in M1 NB 6.5. These bits have been done as a first
phase of the overall NB debugger redesign effort, which goal is to
significantly improve the debugging workflow and usability.
Debugging Window
In order to improve UI for multithreaded debugging and also willing
to reduce the number of debugger views, a new (unifying) debugger view
is introduced. This view (referred as Debugging View) integrates
current Sessions, Threads and Call Stack views being displayed in the
Explorer group by default.
From the technical perspective, the Debug view is organized as (in
general) a list of sessions, having each session as a list of threads,
each suspended thread than expandable to its call stack and more. Debug
view is customizable via context options only showing typically needed
info by default. With the 'Suspend Table' switched on, any thread can
be resumed/suspended by one click on the dedicated button.
If there is the debugger counter displayed in the editor and another
thread encounters a breakpoint, the current thread will not be
automatically switched. Instead, a non-modal panel is displayed in the
bottom of Debugging view informing that there are new breakpoint hits
waiting; there is also a drop-down button switching the debugger to the
next (or selected) breakpoint hit. Having this non-modal notification,
users are allowed to finish their debugging of current thread (e.g.
expression evaluation) and switch to next breakpoint hit when it fits
to the workflow.
Current Thread Chooser
When doing a multithreaded debugging, it is often needed to quickly
switch between particular threads; e.g. when doing a stepping sequence
in two threads alternately. For such purpose we introduce a new
action--Current Thread Chooser (CTRL+8). In fact, it is an analogy to
application switching common in OS environment. With this feature, it
is really straightforward to revisit any thread for debugging or switch
to a particular thread for the first time.
'Other Thread(s) Suspended Here' Gutter Navigation
Anytime the debugger displays the thread icon in the editor gutter,
the user is informed that there is/are one or more suspended
thread(s) at this line. The list of these threads can be seen in the
icon tooltip, and it is also possible to switch debugging to any of
these threads via the context menu. Strictly speeking, it is the
Source->Threads navigation available in the editor gutter.
Deadlock Detection
The debugger automatically searches for deadlock among all suspended
threads. When a deadlock is detected, a non-modal notification is
displayed having emphasized involved threads. Detailed monitor info is
also available displayed in dedicated monitor nodes.
New Threading Model
In order to improve multithreaded debugging, we decided to change the
way how debugger manages debuggee threads. The main issue related to
current model (NB 6.1 and older) is likely the fact that any step
resumes all threads regardless there are threads intentionally
suspended by the user or not. This can be limiting e.g. in case of
debugging race conditions or deadlock issues. The natural solution to
this problem is to resume only the current thread leaving other threads
suspended if they are (may have happened via breakpoints or Suspend
action). Obviously, this change needs the default breakpoint to suspend
only the breakpoint thread, otherwise stepping could lead to so-called
Deadlock Caused by Debugger.
Current Model Summary (NB 6.1 and older):
- Default breakpoint suspends all threads.
- Step resumes all threads when invoked and suspends all
threads when completed regardless there are threads intentionally
suspended or not.
- Evaluation is done only resuming the current thread (by
default), which may easily lead to 'deadlock caused by debugger' in
current model.
- 'Step interrupted by a breakpoint' issue exists with default breakpoint.
New Model Summary:
- Default breakpoint only suspends breakpoint thread.
- Step only resumes current thread when invoked and suspends current thread when completed.
- Evaluation is done resuming the current thread (other threads
unsuspended by default breakpoint or step). No deadlock caused by
debugger might happen as far as no thread is explicitly suspended by
the user (via suspend action or some breakpoint).
- 'Step interrupted by a breakpoint' issue does not exist with
default breakpoint. (Except the stepping thread itself encounters a
GUI Builder
When you select a ButtonGroup or some component in a ButtonGroup then
the GUI builder shows you which components belong into this group.
Preview in Nimbus look and feel
If you use JDK 6 Update 10 then you can preview your form in the new
Nimbus look and feel. We have made this preview more reliable and accurate (within the limits of javax.swing.UIManager design). Besides the design preview you can also set the Nimbus look and feel for runtime - this is easily possible for Desktop Java Application projects in the Project Properties window (go to the Desktop App panel).
TreeModel editor
New TreeModel property editor allows you to prototype your JTree easily.
ListModel and ComboBoxModel usability enhancements
We rewrote property editors for ListModel and ComboBoxModel.
It is much easier to use them by now.
Web Services
RESTful services from database
A new wizard allows for the creation of RESTful, JSR311-based
services directly from database tables. This facility is in addition to
the wizard that creates services from JPA entities.
Consuming popular SaaS services in Php
Web Services nodes in the Services tab of Netbeans 6.5 support Drag-n-drop to Php files as shown below.
Code completion accuracy
completion accuracy is much improved in milestone 1 compared to
NetBeans 6.1. There are very few known cases where an incorrect choice
is presented. So the known "inaccuracy rate" is nearly 0. There are
known situations where valid choices are not presented to the user. For
a range of mid to large scale applications those cases (where valid
choices are not shown) is under 5%. Work to further improve accuracy is
Call Graph
Show all callers/callees of the selected function.
Direct call graph:
Reverse call graph:
Error highlighting and more types of semantic highlighting
C/C++ editors highlights basic errors.
Semantic highlighting for typedefs, class fields and function names was added.
- Rake
- Rake Runner (
- infrastructure overhaul
- internal unification brings more smooth workflow to users
- Debugger
- support for conditional (expression) breakpoints
- support for breakpoint on exception (catchpoint)
- switched to the new engines versions
- Projects
- useful pre-generated Rakefile (clean, gem, packages, rdoc, spec, test, .... tasks)
- possibility to pass JVM options to the JRuby (e.g. -Djruby.objectspace.enabled=true)
- Platform
- Rubinius Support
- sudo support - 'gksu' so far (issue 128575)
- Options for tweaking Gems fetching in Gem Manager (-a, -d)
- Rails
- updated the bundled Rails to 2.1.0
- support for running the Rails console in different environments
- possibility to specify the version of Rails for new projects (in case there are more than one version installed)
- support for 'destroy' in the Rails generator
- Test Runner