Posted on 2008-06-28 12:56 阅读(12898)
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在试用NetBeans6.5M1的时候发现了一个问题,HTML编辑器自动代码提示没了,需要按快捷键ctrl+\ 才可以
以前只要按下空格键(space) 就可以了. 怎么回事?NetBeans怎么在倒退啊? 于是向NetBeans 团队提交了这个
bug, 很快就得到回复,并说明这个bug将会在NetBeans6.5M2中修复。:)
------- 从的附加注释 gml520 2008/06/26 05:07:26 +0000 -------
I am very happy to see the NetBeans become better.
but I want to know why the Html code auto completion removed? when I type the code like this:
<input tpye="text">
in NetBeans 6.1 when I press the space key after "text" then the IDE auto Popup the completion window
then you can select the item that you want. but now in NetBeans6.5 M1 that is missing!
It's important for me ! I like it very much! I hope the Html code auto completion can come back!
mfukala 写的:
------- 从的附加注释 mfukala 2008/06/26 15:39:21 +0000 -------
This is a bug. I am not sure whether it worked in 6.1, but in current 6.5 builds the completion is not opened
automatically when typing space after the previous attribute value. It works if there is a whitespace between the
quotation mark and the greater than character.
The completion autopopup also doesn't work if you complete an attribute - the ="" part is added, caret moved between the
quotation marks but no cc window is opened.
I am sorry for such regressions, they are bug, needs to be fixed in 6.5. I'll try to fix it to 6.5 M2.
mfukala 写的说明中可以看到NetBeans6.5M2 的HTML编辑器将会变得更加的强大,几乎可以和Dreamwear媲美了(在代码编辑方面),同时在另一个bug 修复描述上说明了对JavaScript的支持将会更加的强大(具体的issue 号给忘了!
,不能给出连接地址了!! )!