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Struts2 in NetBeans 6.1 is released

Posted on 2008-06-28 13:28 guanminglin@gmail.com 阅读(13756) 评论(5)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: NetBeans

说实在的这个版本的Struts2 plugin for NetBeans 并不怎么样! 功能有限,但是有总比没有的好,至少还可以提高一点生产力!  这个插件带的lib 很少最好还是用自己的lib。

下面是 Struts2 Support Features:

Apache Struts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for creating enterprise-ready Java web applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time. You can read more about Struts 2 at http://struts.apache.org/2.x/ .

Installation instructions can be found here .

下载地址 https://nbstruts2support.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=9422%26expandFolder=9422%26folderID=8962

Framework Support

***To be added***

Context based Code Completion(基于上下文的代码自动补全)

Code completion assists the programmers/developers to fill in the values for the various attributes. It enlists all possible entries that a attribute/element value can have in a configuration file. By doing so, we improve the ease of use for editing a Struts Configuration file.

Some screen shots of code completion:

CC Package Extends

Code completion also assists while specifying a fully qualified java name (inclusive of packages)

CC Java Class

For an exhaustive list on the code completion scenarios, please visit this link .

Hyperlinking (超连接跳转)

With the help of this plugin, the developer will be able to jump to the point of origin (declaration) of an entity. It would be applicable to all the elements present in the configuration file, right from Interceptors, results,etc. to externally referenced Java files. Some of the hyperlinking scenarios that have been implemented are shown below. 

HY Interceptor Class

For an exhaustive list on the hyperlinking scenarios, please visit this link .


Wizards assist the programmers by generating a default template for Struts 2 components like Interceptors, Results, Actions and Configuration files. Once, we have a web project with Struts 2 framework, we can add an Interceptor/Action/Result/Configuration file into our project by clicking on 'File -> New File -> Struts 2'. 

Struts 2 Wizard

The screen shot below shows the scenario of creating a new Interceptor using a wizard:

Wizard New Interceptor


# re: Struts2 in NetBeans 6.1 is released[未登录]  回复  更多评论   

2008-06-28 16:43 by GoKu
NetBeans 要领先 Eclipse 了

# re: Struts2 in NetBeans 6.1 is released  回复  更多评论   

2008-06-28 17:50 by Jeff Lee
不过eclipse 也在进步。。。两个都喜欢,期待netbeans的groovy支持

# re: Struts2 in NetBeans 6.1 is released  回复  更多评论   

2008-06-28 21:12 by 日月雨林@gmail.com

@Jeff Lee
呵呵! NetBeans的官方支持在NetBeans6.5M2中会有所表现的
现在的M1 支持还不是很好

# re: Struts2 in NetBeans 6.1 is released  回复  更多评论   

2008-06-29 10:22 by GoKu

# re: Struts2 in NetBeans 6.1 is released  回复  更多评论   

2008-06-29 10:27 by 日月雨林@gmail.com
呵呵! 我觉得现在 NetBeans的插件开发比Eclipse 简单.NetBeans的功能也越来越强大,所以人家更愿意为NetBeans开发插件支持新的框架!
还有就是NetBeans 更重视中文用户,从他发布的多国语言版本就可以看得出.
在这个方面比eclipse 强多了!

