今天再向大家介绍一款插件 Facelets , Facelets 也是一个Web 框架.和JSF 有关. 这款插件还提供JBoss Seam 支持. 具体看看
Facelets 插件的发展史. Facelets提供了NetBeans6.1 FCS 和ML 两个版本的下载!
支持 JBossSeam 插件下载:
Facelets 特性介绍 :
https://nbfaceletssupport.dev.java.net/features.html (
http://wiki.netbeans.org/UsingJSFAndFaceletsInNetbeans (这个是5.5 的教程,但是对于6.x 应该也适用!)

Release Notes
The main goal of this project is to support
Facelets in NetBeans IDE.
The 6.1 development snapshot is currently available:
6.1 FCS download here or
6.1 ML download here.
This release delivers bundled Facelets 1.1.14 and also provides palettes for facelets files.
The majority of the palette was created by Daniel Boekhoff. Thanks to Daniel for the contribution.
This build only works with NetBeans 6.1 because it has an
implementation dependency on NetBeans 6.1 FCS/ML. Necessary fixes for
the daily builds of NetBeans 6.5 will be provided after the official
6.1 plugin is released. The functionality is still under development
and the main goal of this snapshot is to get feedback from real
Facelets users. You can read more about the support on the feature page.
下面是Facelets 插件的发展史:
04 June 2008
A lot of requests have been
made asking when Facelets support will be available on NetBeans 6.1 and
how it will be provided. Yes, there is a plan to officially release the
support NBMs through the update center for NetBeans 6.1. We are
currently working to resolve several compatibility issues and migrate
the internal API usage to NetBeans 6.1. When the plugin is ready for
final release, we will announce it and make it available in the
Available Plugins list of NetBeans 6.1, but you can currently download
the Beta release binary for NetBeans 6.1 FCS here or NetBeans 6.1 ML
28 November 2007
Many people have asked me when a version of facelets support will be available for NetBeans 6.0.
You can download it here.
No user improvements have been made, but this build works with NetBeans 6.0 and some issues have been fixed.
Unfortunately I don't have enough time for deep testing and I also expect some regressions.
If you find any problems when evaluating this snapshot, please fill a new issue in the Issue tracker
and mark the issue that was found in snapshot06. Thank you for your help.
7 June 2007
Daniel Boekhoff wrote a new tutorial -
Running and Facelets Support in Netbeans (with JPA, Glassfish and MySQL 5). The tutorial is also available on wiki.netbeans.org. Thanks to Daniel for the contribution.
22 May 2007
A new build of the Seam Gen Integration module is now available.
This version works with JBoss Seam 1.2.1 GA, which generates a folder structure of the sources that
differs slightly from the previous one.
This change and some bug fixes are contained in the new build version 0.2.
随便贴几幅截图,还有好多呢! 具体看看https://nbfaceletssupport.dev.java.net/features.html

Document |
Tag Code Completin |
Before CC |
During CC |
After CC |
Examples 2: Very similar to the example 1. Only the user doesn't complete a tag, but the value of jsfc attribute of a html tag.
Document |
Code Completion of jsfc attribute |
Before CC |
During CC |
After CC |