Posted on 2009-12-12 15:52 阅读(28052)
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NetBeans 、
JavaFX 设计器很快就要发布了, JavaFX 一直被人诟病没有可视化的设计器,现在终于有了。
大家可以到 netbeans 的wiki上看看 这个设计器的教程,了解这个设计器更多的特性。
大家还可以关注一下这个人的博客,了解JavaFX 设计器。
引用一段话,这个 设计器将会在 12月15号作为 netbeans 拓展插件发布。JavaFX1.3 将会引入更多的新特性,更加的强大。
Java FX Composer screenshots as well as first tutorials are available. Java FX Composer will (at December, 15th) be an extension of NetBeans 6.8 FX capabilities.
It is similar to the already available GUI designer for Swing applications.
NetBeans 6.8 comes already with improved Java FX script editor, and especially: “
improved semantic and syntactic highlighting, source navigation, faster code completion, code folding, javadoc pop-ups,
refactoring, and error detection and hints, such as fixing import statements and packages. Now you can Go to Types, Find Usages,
and navigate through code with hypertext links
With Java FX 1.3 and so the availability of tables, trees etc, Java FX will become a viable alternative to current Swing / SWT / JFace applications.