RIFE/Laszlo is based on RIFE/Jumpstart and geared towards easily getting started with the creation of Rich Internet Applications using OpenLaszlo.
This release offers the following:
added out-of-container tests of the REST backend
added asynchronous zip-code lookup example
upgraded RIFE to version 1.3.1
upgraded OpenLaszlo to version 3.1.1
upgraded Jetty to version 5.1.4
The demo of the basic RIFE/Laszlo application can be seen at http://rifers.org/laszlo, and more information about how to use it can be found in the readme.
*多格式模板引擎选择(html, xml, sql, java, txt, ...)
用它可以轻松的解决Http's无状态连接问题与CGI的接口。这个框架已经成功的应用在许多网站上如:Bla-bla List,Netwerk,Caosity,Dag Allemaal,GreenEnergy等。