NetBeans IDE 6.8 Beta Release Information
The NetBeans IDE is an award-winning integrated development
environment available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris. The NetBeans
project consists of an open-source IDE
and an application platform
that enable developers to rapidly create
web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications using the Java
platform, as well as JavaFX, PHP, JavaScript and Ajax, Ruby and Ruby on Rails,
Groovy and Grails, and C/C++.
The NetBeans project is supported by a vibrant
developer community and
offers extensive documentation and training
resources as well as a diverse selection of third-party
Release Overview
NetBeans IDE 6.8 Beta is the first IDE to offer support for the entire Java EE 6 spec with
improved support for JSF 2.0/Facelets, Java Persistence 2.0,
EJB 3.1 including using EJBs in web applications, RESTful web services, and GlassFish v3.
We also recommend it for developing with the latest JavaFX SDK 1.2.1, and for
creating PHP web applications with the new PHP 5.3 release or with the Symfony Framework.
Our unique integration of Project Kenai,
a collaborative environment for hosting open-source projects,
now comes with full JIRA support, and improved instant messenger and issue tracker integration.
We also added features to the IDE's Maven and database integration,
and improved the editor and tools integration of Ruby, Groovy, and C/C++ projects.
Get the NetBeans IDE 6.8
Use the following documents to get started with NetBeans IDE 6.8.
Feature Highlights
Java Enterprise Edition 6
- Web Projects with Java EE 6 and Java EE 6 Web profiles, EJBs in web applications
- EJB 3.1 support, EJB project file wizard also supports Singleton session type
- RESTful web services (JAX-RS 1.1), GlassFish Metro 2.0 web services (JAX-WS 2.2), JAXB 2.2
- Java Persistence JPA 2.0, deployment, debugging and profiling with GlassFish v3 application server
Web Projects with JavaServer Faces 2.0 (Facelets)
- Code completion, error hints, namespace completion, documentation popups, and tag auto-import for Facelets
- Editor support for Facelets libraries, composite components, expression language, including generators for JSF and HTML forms
- Customizable JSF components palette generates JSF forms and JSF data tables from entities
- New File wizard generates customizable CRUD (create/read/update/delete) JSF pages from entities
- Broader usage of annotations instead of deployment descriptors
- Added support for the latest JavaFX SDK 1.2.1
- Improved code completion
- Editor Hints: Fix Imports, Surround With, Implements Abstract Methods, and more
- Improved navigation: Hyperlinks, Go to Type, Find Usages
| Connected Developer
- Full JIRA support (plugin from update center)
- Project dashboard with more member and project details, improved search and navigation, easier project sharing
- Improved
instant messenger integration: Online presence, private and group chat
with Kenai members, easy to add links to code / files /issues / stack
traces to messages
- Improved issue tracker integration
Full PHP 5.3 support: namespaces, lambda functions and closures, syntax
additions: NOWDOC, ternary conditions, jump labels, __callStatic()
- Symfony Framework support: Symfony projects, Symfony commands, shortcuts, PHP syntax coloring in YAML files
- Create a PHP project from a remote PHP application
- PHPUnit, Code Coverage, FTP/SFTP integration improvements, exclude PHP project folders from scanning/indexing
- New Project from Maven archetype catalog and improved support for Java EE 6, Groovy, Scala projects
- Customizable dependency exclusion in dependency graph
- Maven CheckStyle plugin
- "Update from Kenai" action for Maven projects
- Support for creating Rails 2.3.2 apps with dispatchers, JRuby 1.3.1, Ruby 1.9 debugging, and RSpec 1.2.7
- Improved rename refactoring, type inference, and navigation
- Specifying arguments for Rails servers
- Run/Debug File with arguments, also for files not part of a project
C and C++
- Profiling:
New Microstate Accounting indicator, Thread Map view, Thread Analyzer,
Hot Spots view, Memory Leaks view, Sync Problems view
- Faster synchronization during remote development
- Parallelization Adviser
- Support for gdbserver attach and easier attaching to already running processes
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Java Debugger: Mark an object in the variables tree with a name to refer to it in expressions
- Database integration: Code completion in SQL Editor now also for DELETE, DROP, UPDATE statements, and for reserved keywords
- Groovy 1.6.4 & Grails: Improved code completion, including methods introduced via AST Transformations
Learn more about the features of the latest development build at the
IDE New and Noteworthy page!
posted on 2009-10-23 21:44
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