我就照着wiki上面说的一做,发现我一输grails install-plugin dwr 出了一段输出后就没有下文了
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C:\Documents and Settings\hailor>cd /d D:\grails
D:\grails>cd dwrdemo
D:\grails\dwrdemo>grails install-plugin dwr
Welcome to Grails 1.0-RC2 - http://grails.org/
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: C:\grails
Base Directory: D:\grails\dwrdemo
Environment set to development
Running script C:\grails\scripts\InstallPlugin.groovy
Plugins list cache does not exist or is broken, recreating ...
Plugins list cache has expired. Updating, please wait... ...
上面还有一个Demo,不过这个demo下载得还真是够郁闷的,下了半天才下过来,不过下过来了也要安装dwr plugin才能用.后来经过一番探索,终于找到了正确的方法:
1,从这个网站下载那个grails-dwr-0.1.zip 包
2,切换你的程序目录下输入 grails install-plugin XXXXX\grails-dwr-0.1.zip 前面的XXXXXX表示你放包的目录
3,现在你的dwr plugin 安装好了
4,打开 \grails-app\conf下的BootStrap.groovy 改为(看了那个wiki,这段程序的意思也就很明了了,不同的是wiki里面的文件是DwrConfigBootStrap.groovy,不过其实没什么两样 )
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
def destroy = {
def dwrconfig={
service(name:'helloService', javascript:'HelloService') {
5,创建一个helloService grails create-service hello
class HelloService {
boolean transactional = true
def hello() {
"hill is here"
6,运行 grails run-app