Dbmier LED Artcraft Tracing Light Pad Light Box Light Board Light Table- A4





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Somebody asked me to develop a 2 months java project. The budget is about $4000 US dollars.

Somebody asked me to develop a 2 months java project. The budget is about $4000 US dollars. I have no time until end of september so I can not do it. If you're interested, or if you know somebody who is interested, please let me know. If thinks go well, more project will come after. typo. i mean "if things go well".

Shenzhen Universiade - Shenzhen 2011 Summer Universiade

posted on 2008-08-26 21:43 haix 阅读(407) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏


# re: Somebody asked me to develop a 2 months java project. The budget is about $4000 US dollars. 2008-08-27 01:11 ∪∩BUG

I have no idea about the project.But I bet 2 months is not enough!  回复  更多评论   

# re: Somebody asked me to develop a 2 months java project. The budget is about $4000 US dollars. 2008-08-31 17:03 shenzh

can you desciption some details about the project  回复  更多评论   

# re: Somebody asked me to develop a 2 months java project. The budget is about $4000 US dollars. 2008-08-31 17:07 haix

give me contract method!  回复  更多评论   


Dbmier LED Artcraft Tracing Light Pad Light Box Light Board Light Table- A4