

Posted on 2008-06-06 17:30 陕西BOY 阅读(1474) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

Variable Type Default Description
target String true Target for all the nodes.
folderLinks Boolean true Should folders be links.
useSelection Boolean true Nodes can be selected(highlighted).
useCookies Boolean true The tree uses cookies to rember it's state.
useLines Boolean true Tree is drawn with lines.
useIcons Boolean true Tree is drawn with icons.
useStatusText Boolean false Displays node names in the statusbar instead of the url.
closeSameLevel Boolean false Only one node within a parent can be expanded at the same time. openAll() and closeAll() functions do not work when this is enabled.
inOrder Boolean false If parent nodes are always added before children, setting this to true speeds up the tree.


 <title>Haoxuewu's Dtree Test</title>

 <link rel="StyleSheet" href="dtree.css" type="text/css" />
 <script type="text/javascript" src="dtree.js"></script>


<h1>Haoxuewu's Dtree Test</h1>


<div class="dtree">

 <p><a href="javascript: d.openAll();">打开所有节点</a> | <a href="javascript: d.closeAll();">关闭所有节点</a></p>

 <script type="text/javascript">

  d = new dTree('d');

    d.add(3,1,'Node 1.1','http://www.baidu.com/');
    d.add(8,1,'Node 1.2','http://www.baidu.com/');
     d.add(5,3,'Node 1.1.1','http://www.baidu.com/');




<p><a href="mailto:haoxuewu@163.com">给我邮件</a></p>




// Node object

function Node(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open) {

 this.id = id;

 this.pid = pid;

 this.name = name;

 this.url = url;

 this.title = title;

 this.target = target;

 this.icon = icon;

 this.iconOpen = iconOpen;

 this._io = open || false;

 this._is = false;

 this._ls = false;

 this._hc = false;

 this._ai = 0;




// Tree object

function dTree(objName) {

 this.config = {

  target     : null,

  folderLinks   : true,

  useSelection  : true,

  useCookies   : true,

  useLines    : true,

  useIcons    : true,

  useStatusText  : false,

  closeSameLevel : false,

  inOrder     : false


 this.icon = {

  root    : 'img/base.gif',

  folder   : 'img/folder.gif',

  folderOpen : 'img/folderopen.gif',

  node    : 'img/page.gif',

  empty    : 'img/empty.gif',

  line    : 'img/line.gif',

  join    : 'img/join.gif',

  joinBottom : 'img/joinbottom.gif',

  plus    : 'img/plus.gif',

  plusBottom : 'img/plusbottom.gif',

  minus    : 'img/minus.gif',

  minusBottom : 'img/minusbottom.gif',

  nlPlus   : 'img/nolines_plus.gif',

  nlMinus   : 'img/nolines_minus.gif'


 this.obj = objName;

 this.aNodes = [];

 this.aIndent = [];

 this.root = new Node(-1);

 this.selectedNode = null;

 this.selectedFound = false;

 this.completed = false;



// Adds a new node to the node array

dTree.prototype.add = function(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open) {

 this.aNodes[this.aNodes.length] = new Node(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open);



// Open/close all nodes

dTree.prototype.openAll = function() {



dTree.prototype.closeAll = function() {




// Outputs the tree to the page

dTree.prototype.toString = function() {

 var str = '<div class="dtree">\n';

 if (document.getElementById) {

  if (this.config.useCookies) this.selectedNode = this.getSelected();

  str += this.addNode(this.root);

 } else str += 'Browser not supported.';

 str += '</div>';

 if (!this.selectedFound) this.selectedNode = null;

 this.completed = true;

 return str;



// Creates the tree structure

dTree.prototype.addNode = function(pNode) {

 var str = '';

 var n=0;

 if (this.config.inOrder) n = pNode._ai;

 for (n; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

  if (this.aNodes[n].pid == pNode.id) {

   var cn = this.aNodes[n];

   cn._p = pNode;

   cn._ai = n;


   if (!cn.target && this.config.target) cn.target = this.config.target;

   if (cn._hc && !cn._io && this.config.useCookies) cn._io = this.isOpen(cn.id);

   if (!this.config.folderLinks && cn._hc) cn.url = null;

   if (this.config.useSelection && cn.id == this.selectedNode && !this.selectedFound) {

     cn._is = true;

     this.selectedNode = n;

     this.selectedFound = true;


   str += this.node(cn, n);

   if (cn._ls) break;



 return str;



// Creates the node icon, url and text

dTree.prototype.node = function(node, nodeId) {

 var str = '<div class="dTreeNode">' + this.indent(node, nodeId);

 if (this.config.useIcons) {

  if (!node.icon) node.icon = (this.root.id == node.pid) ? this.icon.root : ((node._hc) ? this.icon.folder : this.icon.node);

  if (!node.iconOpen) node.iconOpen = (node._hc) ? this.icon.folderOpen : this.icon.node;

  if (this.root.id == node.pid) {

   node.icon = this.icon.root;

   node.iconOpen = this.icon.root;


  str += '<img id="i' + this.obj + nodeId + '" src="' + ((node._io) ? node.iconOpen : node.icon) + '" alt="" />';


 if (node.url) {

  str += '<a id="s' + this.obj + nodeId + '" class="' + ((this.config.useSelection) ? ((node._is ? 'nodeSel' : 'node')) : 'node') + '" href="' + node.url + '"';

  if (node.title) str += ' title="' + node.title + '"';

  if (node.target) str += ' target="' + node.target + '"';

  if (this.config.useStatusText) str += ' onmouseover="window.status=\'' + node.name + '\';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=\'\';return true;" ';

  if (this.config.useSelection && ((node._hc && this.config.folderLinks) || !node._hc))

   str += ' onclick="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.s(' + nodeId + ');"';

  str += '>';


 else if ((!this.config.folderLinks || !node.url) && node._hc && node.pid != this.root.id)

  str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');" class="node">';

 str += node.name;

 if (node.url || ((!this.config.folderLinks || !node.url) && node._hc)) str += '</a>';

 str += '</div>';

 if (node._hc) {

  str += '<div id="d' + this.obj + nodeId + '" class="clip" style="display:' + ((this.root.id == node.pid || node._io) ? 'block' : 'none') + ';">';

  str += this.addNode(node);

  str += '</div>';



 return str;



// Adds the empty and line icons

dTree.prototype.indent = function(node, nodeId) {

 var str = '';

 if (this.root.id != node.pid) {

  for (var n=0; n<this.aIndent.length; n++)

   str += '<img src="' + ( (this.aIndent[n] == 1 && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.line : this.icon.empty ) + '" alt="" />';

  (node._ls) ? this.aIndent.push(0) : this.aIndent.push(1);

  if (node._hc) {

   str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');"><img id="j' + this.obj + nodeId + '" src="';

   if (!this.config.useLines) str += (node._io) ? this.icon.nlMinus : this.icon.nlPlus;

   else str += ( (node._io) ? ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.minusBottom : this.icon.minus) : ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.plusBottom : this.icon.plus ) );

   str += '" alt="" /></a>';

  } else str += '<img src="' + ( (this.config.useLines) ? ((node._ls) ? this.icon.joinBottom : this.icon.join ) : this.icon.empty) + '" alt="" />';


 return str;



// Checks if a node has any children and if it is the last sibling

dTree.prototype.setCS = function(node) {

 var lastId;

 for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

  if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.id) node._hc = true;

  if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.pid) lastId = this.aNodes[n].id;


 if (lastId==node.id) node._ls = true;



// Returns the selected node

dTree.prototype.getSelected = function() {

 var sn = this.getCookie('cs' + this.obj);

 return (sn) ? sn : null;



// Highlights the selected node

dTree.prototype.s = function(id) {

 if (!this.config.useSelection) return;

 var cn = this.aNodes[id];

 if (cn._hc && !this.config.folderLinks) return;

 if (this.selectedNode != id) {

  if (this.selectedNode || this.selectedNode==0) {

   eOld = document.getElementById("s" + this.obj + this.selectedNode);

   eOld.className = "node";


  eNew = document.getElementById("s" + this.obj + id);

  eNew.className = "nodeSel";

  this.selectedNode = id;

  if (this.config.useCookies) this.setCookie('cs' + this.obj, cn.id);




// Toggle Open or close

dTree.prototype.o = function(id) {

 var cn = this.aNodes[id];

 this.nodeStatus(!cn._io, id, cn._ls);

 cn._io = !cn._io;

 if (this.config.closeSameLevel) this.closeLevel(cn);

 if (this.config.useCookies) this.updateCookie();



// Open or close all nodes

dTree.prototype.oAll = function(status) {

 for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

  if (this.aNodes[n]._hc && this.aNodes[n].pid != this.root.id) {

   this.nodeStatus(status, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls)

   this.aNodes[n]._io = status;



 if (this.config.useCookies) this.updateCookie();



// Opens the tree to a specific node

dTree.prototype.openTo = function(nId, bSelect, bFirst) {

 if (!bFirst) {

  for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

   if (this.aNodes[n].id == nId) {






 var cn=this.aNodes[nId];

 if (cn.pid==this.root.id || !cn._p) return;

 cn._io = true;

 cn._is = bSelect;

 if (this.completed && cn._hc) this.nodeStatus(true, cn._ai, cn._ls);

 if (this.completed && bSelect) this.s(cn._ai);

 else if (bSelect) this._sn=cn._ai;

 this.openTo(cn._p._ai, false, true);



// Closes all nodes on the same level as certain node

dTree.prototype.closeLevel = function(node) {

 for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

  if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.pid && this.aNodes[n].id != node.id && this.aNodes[n]._hc) {

   this.nodeStatus(false, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls);

   this.aNodes[n]._io = false;






// Closes all children of a node

dTree.prototype.closeAllChildren = function(node) {

 for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

  if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.id && this.aNodes[n]._hc) {

   if (this.aNodes[n]._io) this.nodeStatus(false, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls);

   this.aNodes[n]._io = false;






// Change the status of a node(open or closed)

dTree.prototype.nodeStatus = function(status, id, bottom) {

 eDiv = document.getElementById('d' + this.obj + id);

 eJoin = document.getElementById('j' + this.obj + id);

 if (this.config.useIcons) {

  eIcon = document.getElementById('i' + this.obj + id);

  eIcon.src = (status) ? this.aNodes[id].iconOpen : this.aNodes[id].icon;


 eJoin.src = (this.config.useLines)?



 eDiv.style.display = (status) ? 'block': 'none';




// [Cookie] Clears a cookie

dTree.prototype.clearCookie = function() {

 var now = new Date();

 var yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

 this.setCookie('co'+this.obj, 'cookieValue', yesterday);

 this.setCookie('cs'+this.obj, 'cookieValue', yesterday);



// [Cookie] Sets value in a cookie

dTree.prototype.setCookie = function(cookieName, cookieValue, expires, path, domain, secure) {

 document.cookie =

  escape(cookieName) + '=' + escape(cookieValue)

  + (expires ? '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString() : '')

  + (path ? '; path=' + path : '')

  + (domain ? '; domain=' + domain : '')

  + (secure ? '; secure' : '');



// [Cookie] Gets a value from a cookie

dTree.prototype.getCookie = function(cookieName) {

 var cookieValue = '';

 var posName = document.cookie.indexOf(escape(cookieName) + '=');

 if (posName != -1) {

  var posValue = posName + (escape(cookieName) + '=').length;

  var endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(';', posValue);

  if (endPos != -1) cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue, endPos));

  else cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue));


 return (cookieValue);



// [Cookie] Returns ids of open nodes as a string

dTree.prototype.updateCookie = function() {

 var str = '';

 for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) {

  if (this.aNodes[n]._io && this.aNodes[n].pid != this.root.id) {

   if (str) str += '.';

   str += this.aNodes[n].id;



 this.setCookie('co' + this.obj, str);



// [Cookie] Checks if a node id is in a cookie

dTree.prototype.isOpen = function(id) {

 var aOpen = this.getCookie('co' + this.obj).split('.');

 for (var n=0; n<aOpen.length; n++)

  if (aOpen[n] == id) return true;

 return false;



// If Push and pop is not implemented by the browser

if (!Array.prototype.push) {

 Array.prototype.push = function array_push() {

  for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)


  return this.length;



if (!Array.prototype.pop) {

 Array.prototype.pop = function array_pop() {

  lastElement = this[this.length-1];

  this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);

  return lastElement;




.dtree {
 font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size: 11px;
 color: #666;
 white-space: nowrap;
.dtree img {
 border: 0px;
 vertical-align: middle;
.dtree a {
 color: #333;
 text-decoration: none;
.dtree a.node, .dtree a.nodeSel {
 white-space: nowrap;
 padding: 1px 2px 1px 2px;
.dtree a.node:hover, .dtree a.nodeSel:hover {
 color: #333;
 text-decoration: underline;
.dtree a.nodeSel {
 background-color: #c0d2ec;
.dtree .clip {
 overflow: hidden;



# re: 一个不错的节点树Dtree  回复  更多评论   

2008-07-15 13:45 by dtree



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