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The BASEDIRenvironmentvariable is not defined correctly
This environmentvariable is needed to run this program


Cannot find ./catalina.sh
This file is needed to run this program

经过无数次磨练后,才猛然发现那些.sh文件都不是可执行文件,于是chmod +x *.sh,一切就全都搞定!

posted on 2006-08-30 12:01 哼哼 阅读(6810) 评论(15)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Linux


# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2007-04-17 11:12 javaknow.com
谢谢  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2007-09-18 15:17 zhonghuahaonaner
  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly[未登录] 2007-10-31 09:16 一农
非常感谢  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-04-27 13:39 moliqin
谢谢楼主,看了你的贴我的tomcat 跑起来了。  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-07-05 18:02 lyq
非常感谢,  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-07-06 00:46 从哦
我的猫也跑起来了,太感谢了!  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-08-13 22:20 forrest
太感谢你了。看了你的帖子,我的tomcat跑起来了。万分谢意  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-08-21 15:42 tank
thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-09-03 04:20 wen
thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-11-20 15:50 zhuozuoying
非常感谢  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-11-21 10:07 halvonne
我的猫也跑起来了,太感谢了  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2008-12-13 00:59 boring man
thank you very very much  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly[未登录] 2009-08-17 21:12 呵呵
我的猫也是,除提示的,其他的没有注意到,呵呵!谢谢!  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly[未登录] 2009-09-13 10:47 zhang
谢谢。  回复  更多评论

# re: BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly 2010-07-05 10:08 太极美术工程师师长
非常感谢。  回复  更多评论

