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 static int pageNum = -1;

 public static void main (String [] args) {
  Display display = new Display ();
  Shell shell = new Shell (display);
  shell.setBounds (10, 10, 300, 200);
  // create the composite that the pages will share
  final Composite contentPanel = new Composite (shell, SWT.BORDER);
  contentPanel.setBounds (100, 10, 190, 90);
  final StackLayout layout = new StackLayout ();
  contentPanel.setLayout (layout);

  // create the first page's content
  Composite page0;
  page0 = new Composite (contentPanel, SWT.NONE);
  page0.setLayout (new RowLayout ());
  Label label = new Label (page0, SWT.NONE);
  label.setText ("Label on page 1");
  label.pack ();

  // create the second page's content 
  Composite page1;
  page1 = new Composite (contentPanel, SWT.NONE);
  page1.setLayout (new RowLayout ());
  Button button = new Button (page1, SWT.NONE);
  button.setText ("Button on page 2");
  button.pack ();

  // create the button that will switch between the pages
  Button pageButton = new Button (shell, SWT.PUSH);
  pageButton.setText ("Push");
  pageButton.setBounds (10, 10, 80, 25);
  pageButton.addListener (SWT.Selection, new Listener () {
   public void handleEvent (Event event) {
    pageNum = ++pageNum % 2;
    contentPanel.layout ();
  layout.topControl = page0;

  shell.open ();
  while (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
   if (!display.readAndDispatch ()) display.sleep ();
  display.dispose ();

posted on 2006-11-07 17:14 哼哼 阅读(2186) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: SWT


# re: SWT Stack布局(StackLayout 类) 2009-03-01 15:22 ssss
pageNum??  回复  更多评论


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