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Using the WebLogic JarBuilder Tool

Posted on 2009-06-02 11:53 不需要解释 阅读(242) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

    as we know, in weblogic 10. the weblogic.jar just has more than 30MB. so if you want use the client to invoke weblogic ejb method, you need the weblogic.jar. of course, if you use the weblogic9, it work well, but when you upgrade your weblogic server to weblogic10. the weblogic.jar does not work. the weblogic.jar of the weblogic10 is not enough.

you need do next:

     Use the following steps to create a wlfullclient.jar file for a client application:

      Change directories to the server/lib directory.
cd WL_HOME/server/lib
Use the following command to create wlfullclient.jar in the server/lib directory:
java -jar ../../../modules/com.bea.core.jarbuilder_X.X.X.X.jar
where X.X.X.X is the version number of the jarbuilder module in the WL_HOME/server/lib directory. For example:

      java -jar ../../../modules/com.bea.core.jarbuilder_1.0.1.0.jar
You can now copy and bundle the wlfullclient.jar with client applications.
Add the wlfullclient.jar to the client application’s classpath.


我实话告诉你们,我可是身经百战了.bbs我见的多了,哪个版我没灌过?你们要知道, 一塌糊 涂的triangle,PIC,SEX版,那比你们不知道厉害到哪里去了,我在那谈笑风声.你 们有一好就是无论在哪个版,什么话题都灌,但是灌来灌去的问题,都too simple, sometimes naive!你 们懂不懂呀?啊?所以说灌水啊,关键是要提高自己的知识水平.你 们啊,不要总想着弄个大坑,然后灌上十大,再把我羞辱一番……你们啊,naive!你们这 样灌是不行地!~那你問我支持 不支持灌水,我說支持,我常來這裡灌,你說支持不支持?