Posted on 2009-07-18 08:32
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in windows, we can install weblogic as windows service.
(1)edit bea.home/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/installSvc.cmd
add :
rem 设置域的名字,这里是base_domain
set DOMAIN_NAME=wsc52
rem 服务名
set SERVER_NAME=AdminServer
rem 设置用户domain的home
set USERDOMAIN_HOME=D:\bea10\user_projects\domains\wsc52
rem 设置口令
set WLS_pw=weblogic
set JAVA_HOME=D:\bea10\jdk160_05
add in the final line, add
so , weblogic will print all wls log to this file.
(2)start this server, this server name is “beasvc wsc52_AdminServer”
you can start and stop this service with this command.
net start “beasvc wsc52_AdminServer” and net stop “beasvc wsc52_AdminServer”.
if you want do delete this service,use this:SC delete “beasvc wsc52_AdminServer”