How can I provide properties/configuration for a Job instance? The key is the JobDataMap, which is part of the JobDetail object.
The JobDataMap can be used to hold any number of (serializable) objects
which you wish to have made available to the job instance when it
JobDataMap map = context.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();
我们通过map向Job实例传送多个objects,其中有一个是个bean,一个是基本类型。对于scheduled triggers,我们要求bean对于所有的序列都不变,包括其属性,而基本类型可以在Job运行过程中改变,并影响下一个序列。实际情况是,对于下个序列,bean的属性被上次的修改了,而基本类型却维持第一次put到Map里面的值。正好和我们要求的相反。
Now, some additional notes about a job's state data (aka JobDataMap): A
Job instance can be defined as "stateful" or "non-stateful".
Non-stateful jobs only have their JobDataMap stored at the time they
are added to the scheduler. This means that any changes made to the
contents of the job data map during execution of the job will be lost,
and will not seen by the job the next time it executes.
Job有两个子接口:StatefulJob and InterruptableJob,我们继承的是InterruptableJob,或许Quartz应该有个InterruptableStatefulJob。另外StatefulJob不支持并发执行,和我们的需求不匹配,我们有自己的同步控制,Job必须可以并发运行。
// RAMJobStore.storeJob
public void storeJob(SchedulingContext ctxt, JobDetail newJob,
boolean replaceExisting) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException {
JobWrapper jw = new JobWrapper((JobDetail)newJob.clone()); // clone a new one
jobsByFQN.put(jw.key, jw);
// RAMJobStore.triggeredJobComplete
public void triggeredJobComplete(SchedulingContext ctxt, Trigger trigger,
JobDetail jobDetail, int triggerInstCode) {
JobWrapper jw = (JobWrapper) jobsByFQN.get(jobKey);
if (jw != null) {
JobDetail jd = jw.jobDetail;
if (jd.isStateful()) {
JobDataMap newData = jobDetail.getJobDataMap();
if (newData != null) {
newData = (JobDataMap)newData.clone();
jd.setJobDataMap(newData); // set to new one
// RAMJobStore.retrieveJob
public JobDetail retrieveJob(SchedulingContext ctxt, String jobName,
String groupName) {
JobWrapper jw = (JobWrapper) jobsByFQN.get(JobWrapper.getJobNameKey(
jobName, groupName));
return (jw != null) ? (JobDetail)jw.jobDetail.clone() : null; // clone a new
问题很清楚了,存放在Store里面的JobDetail是初始对象的克隆,然后每个序列所用的JobDetail, 是Store里面的克隆,只有Stateful job,Store里面的JobDetail才更新。
// Shallow copy the jobDataMap. Note that this means that if a user
// modifies a value object in this map from the cloned Trigger
// they will also be modifying this Trigger.
if (jobDataMap != null) {
copy.jobDataMap = (JobDataMap)jobDataMap.clone();