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Task management『任务管理』
The core business of jBPM is the ability to persist the execution of a process. 『jBPM的核心业务是有能力持久化流程的执行。』A situation in which this feature is extremely useful is the management of tasks and tasklists for people.『在这特征中的一个解决方案对人们任务或者任务列表的管理是非常有用的』 jBPM allows to specify a piece of software describing an overall process which can have wait states for human tasks.『jBPM 允许定义一块软件描述全部的流程,它可以为用户任务持有等待状态』

1. Tasks『任务』
Tasks are part of the process definition and they define how task instances must be created and assigned during process executions.『任务是 流程定义的一部分,并且它们定义了在流程执行中任务实例如何必须被创建和分派。 』

Tasks can be defined in task-nodes and in the process-definition.『任务可以被定义在task-nodes和流程定义的中』 The most common way is to define one or more tasks in a task-node.『最通用的方式是在task-node中定义一个或多个任务。』 In that case the task-node represents a task to be done by the user and the process execution should wait until the actor completes the task.『如果是那样的话这个任务节点表现了一个任务被用户执行并且这个流程执行应当等待直到行动者完成。』 When the actor completes the task, process execution should continue.『当行动者完成这个任务,流程执行应该继续。』 When more tasks are specified in a task-node, the default behaviour is to wait for all the tasks to complete.『当在任务节点中定义多个任务,缺省行为是等待所有所有任务完成。』

Tasks can also be specified on the process-definition.『任务也可以被定义在流程定义中。』 Tasks specified on the process definition can be looked up by name and referenced from within task-nodes or used from inside actions.『定义在流程定义中的任务可以通过名字查找和从任务节点内部参考或者从内部行为中使用。』 In fact, all tasks (also in task-nodes) that are given a name can be looked up by name in the process-definition. 『实际上,所有的任务(在任务节点中的也一样)可以在流程定义通过名字进行查找』

Task names must be unique in the whole process definition.『任务名称在整个流程定义中必须是不能重复的』


posted on 2005-06-14 23:03 java世界畅谈 阅读(838) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 工作流


# re: jBPM任务管理之任务 2008-05-10 12:21 虎啸龙吟
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