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Nodetype task-node 节点类型 任务节点
A task node represents one or more tasks that are to be performed by humans. So when execution arrives in a task node, task instances will be created in the task lists of the workflow participants. After that, the node will behave as a wait state. So when the users perform their task, the task completion will trigger the resuming of the execution. In other words, that leads to a new signal being called on the token.

7.3.3. Nodetype state  节点类型 状态
A state is a bare-bones wait state. The difference with a task node is that no task instances will be created in any task list. This can be usefull if the process should wait for an external system. E.g. upon entry of the node (via an action on the node-enter event), a message could be sent to the external system. After that, the process will go into a wait state. When the external system send a response message, this can lead to a token.signal(), which triggers resuming of the process execution.

7.3.4. Nodetype decision 节点类型 决定
Actually there are 2 ways to model a decision. The distinction between the two is based on *who* is making the decision. Should the decision made by the process (read: specified in the process definition). Or should an external entity provide the result of the decision.
  实际上这里有两种方法来创建一个决定。两者的区别是基谁在做这个决定。 应该被流程来决定。(限定在流程定义中)或者应该一个外部实体支持决定的结果。

When the decision is to be taken by the process, a decision node should be used. There are basically 2 ways to specify the decision criteria. Simplest is by adding condition elements on the transitions. Conditions are beanshell script expressions that return a boolean. At runtime the decision node will loop over its leaving transitions (in the order as specified in the xml), and evaluate each condition. The first transition for which the conditions resolves to 'true' will be taken. Alternatively, an implementation of the DecisionHandler can be specified. Then the decision is calculated in a java class and the selected leaving transition is returned by the decide-method of the DecisionHandler implementation.

When the decision is taken by an external party (meaning: not part of the process definition), you should use multiple transitions leaving a state or wait state node. Then the leaving transition can be provided in the external trigger that resumes execution after the wait state is finished. E.g. Token.signal(String transitionName) and TaskInstance.end(String transitionName).
  当这个决定被外部执行(意味着:不是流程定义部分),你应该使用多跃迁离开一个状态或等待节点。那么这个离开跃迁在外部的除法器可以被支持恢复执行,在等待状态完成后。例如,Token.signal(String transitionName) 和TaskInstance.end(String transitionName).
7.3.5. Nodetype fork 节点类型 叉
A fork splits one path of execution into multiple concurrent paths of execution. The default fork behaviour is to create a child token for each transition that leaves the fork, creating a parent-child relation between the token that arrives in the fork.

7.3.6. Nodetype join 节点类型 合并
The default join assumes that all tokens that arrive in the join are children of the same parent. This situation is created when using the fork as mentioned above and when all tokens created by a fork arrive in the same join. A join will end every token that enters the join. Then the join will examine the parent-child relation of the token that enters the join. When all sibling tokens have arrived in the join, the parent token will be propagated over the (unique!) leaving transition. When there are still sibling tokens active, the join will behave as a wait state.
缺省的合并假设所有的token到达合并点,这些都都是相同父的子。这个情形被创建如我们以上提到的使用叉并且当所有被fork创建的所有token到达相同的join. 一个join将结束每个进入join的token. 那么这个join将检查进入join的token父-子关系。当所有的兄弟姐们tokens激活,这个离开的跃迁join将传播。当这里还有兄弟tokens激活,这个join将作为一个等待状态。

7.3.7. Nodetype node 节点类型 节点
The type node serves the situation where you want to write your own code in a node. The nodetype node expects one subelement action. The action is executed when the execution arrives in the node. The code you write in the actionhandler can do anything you want but it is also responsible for propagating the execution.

This node can be used if you want to use a JavaAPI to implement some functional logic that is important for the business analyst. By using a node, the node is visible in the graphical representation of the process. For comparison, actions --covered next-- will allow you to add code that is invisible in the graphical representation of the process, in case that logic is not important for the business analyst.
这个节点可以被使用,如果你将使用JavaAPI来实现一些功能逻辑,对逻辑分析是重要的. 作为使用一个node,node 是可以视的在流程图形表现中。为对比,actions-convered next--将允许在流程图形表现中增加不可见的代码,万一对你逻辑分析是不重要的


posted on 2005-09-20 10:25 java世界畅谈 阅读(1619) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JBPM


# re: Nodetype节点类型 2005-12-06 17:10 p
翻译的不错!up!  回复  更多评论

# re: Nodetype节点类型 2006-01-15 11:43 felice
呵呵,最近刚开始学JBMP,在做笔记的时候也试着翻译这部分,希望向你学习,QQ: 397018827。  回复  更多评论

# re: Nodetype节点类型 2006-03-28 08:16 young
好~~~收下了  回复  更多评论

