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Understanding Your Own Footprint

Every useful system carries the imprint of its designers. From bridges to spoons, the expression of a builder's skill, philosophies, and production constraints are exposed in the final product. Software is no different, except in its propensity to change. Software mutates in response to users needs, and in that change, a continual re-impriting of a designer's skill and sense of taste takes place.
This has the potential to cause continuity problems for others, be they end users or other developers. Reducing these confusing aspects (cognitive load) allows software consumers of every type to feel better about a block of code. With every interaction, their pre-conceived notions of how the thing will behave serve them instead of forming an obstacle for them to overcome. Their instincts are turned into a valuable tool by elegantly and consistently designed software.
Dojo, as a project, should meet expectations in this way. This doesn't mean that you have to agree with every design decision that's been made in the project (dissent is healthy) or that the guiding principles outlined here are written in stone. They should, however, capture the way design choices have been made to date and serve as a guide for making future decisions.

Dojo Guiding Principles

Reduce barriers to adoption.
Simply put, do not give users reasons not to choose your code. This affects everything from design to licensing to packaging.
Simple first, fast later
Make it simple to use first, make it fast when it's approprite. Simple here means simple for users, not for us. We should work as hard as necessary to make things simple for end users. This principle goes to reducing barriers to adoption. Things should be as easy as possible for the common case but transparently "upgradeable" to a faster code path if the end user is willing to learn about the performance dials and knobs.
首要的简单使用,当它是适合的将它打上结。 简单这里意味这对用户简单,不是对我们。我们应该使工作对最终用户尽可能的变得简单。这些原则定位在采用减少障碍的原则。事情应该尽可能容易对共同的情形但是明显“可升级的”对一个快速的代码路径 如果终端用户想要了解执行的表盘和旋钮。
Bend to the constraints of your environment
Do not bludgeon a problem to death with code. If the environment can do most of something, let it. Fill in as necessary, but do not re-invent. Make the path smooth for users, but do not introduce your own idioms where they aren't required.

Improving From Here

Dojo may not yet completely embody the principles outlined here, but it is their purpose to serve as a guide for the project when making determinations how things should change.
If you think that Dojo has not yet met one or more of these goals in a particular way, please raise the issue on one of the project mailing lists or file a bug.
posted on 2006-07-07 16:46 java世界畅谈 阅读(1013) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Ajax


# re: Dojo的设计哲学 2008-08-07 19:22 someone
“Software is no different”,翻译上存在错误  回复  更多评论

