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5.2 Working with application transactions

In our CaveatEmptor application, both the user who posted a comment and any system administrator can open an Edit Comment screen to delete or edit the text of a comment. Suppose two different administrators open the edit screen to view the same comment simultaneously. Both edit the comment text and submit their changes. At this point, we have three ways to handle the concurrent attempts to

write to the database:

Last commit wins—Both updates succeed, and the second update overwrites the changes of the first. No error message is shown.

First commit wins—The first modification is persisted, and the user submitting the second change receives an error message. The user must restart the business process by retrieving the updated comment. This option is often called optimistic locking.

        Merge conflicting updates—The first modification is persisted, and the second modification may be applied selectively by the user.






The first option, last commit wins, is problematic; the second user overwrites the changes of the first user without seeing the changes made by the first user or even knowing that they existed. In our example, this probably wouldn’t matter, but it would be unacceptable for some other kinds of data. The second and third options are usually acceptable for most kinds of data. From our point of view, the third option is just a variation of the second—instead of showing an error message, we show the message and then allow the user to manually merge changes. There is no single best solution. You must investigate your own business requirements to decide among these three options.



The first option happens by default if you don’t do anything special in your applicationOn the other hand, Hibernate can help you implement the second and third strategies, using managed versioning for optimistic locking.



Managed versioning relies on either a version number that is incremented or a timestamp that is updated to the current time, every time an object is modified. For Hibernate managed versioning, we must add a new property to our Comment class and map it as a version number using the <version> tag. First, let’s look at the changes to the Comment class:

public class Comment {


private int version;


void setVersion(int version) {

this.version = version;


int getVersion() {

return version;




public class Comment {


private int version;


void setVersion(int version) {

this.version = version;


int getVersion() {

return version;




You can also use a public scope for the setter and getter methods. The <version> property mapping must come immediately after the identifier property mapping in the mapping file for the Comment class:

<class name="Comment" table="COMMENTS">

<id ...

<version name="version" column="VERSION"/>




<class name="Comment" table="COMMENTS">

<id ...

<version name="version" column="VERSION"/>




You don’t need to set the value of the version or timestamp property yourself; Hibernate will initialize the value when you first save a Comment, and increment or reset it whenever the object is modified. Whenever Hibernate updates a comment, it uses the version column in the SQLWHERE clause:

update COMMENTS set COMMENT_TEXT='New comment text', VERSION=3

where COMMENT_ID=123 and VERSION=2


update COMMENTS set COMMENT_TEXT='New comment text', VERSION=3

where COMMENT_ID=123 and VERSION=2


If another application transaction would have updated the same item since it was read by the current application transaction, the VERSION column would not contain the value 2, and the row would not be updated. Hibernate would check the row count returned by the JDBC driver—which in this case would be the number of rows updated, zero—and throw a StaleObjectStateException. Using this exception, we might show the user of the second application transaction an error message (“You have been working with stale data because another user modified it!”) and let the first commit win. Alternatively, we could catch the exception and show the second user a new screen, allowing the user to manually merge changes between the two versions.



Using this exception, we might show the user of the second application transaction an error message (“You have been working with stale data because another user modified it!”) and let the first commit win. Alternatively, we could catch the exception and show the second user a new screen, allowing the user to manually merge changes between the two versions.

posted on 2005-04-07 16:10 jinfeng_wang 阅读(7628) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: hibernate


# re: hibernate transaction theory(2) 2006-04-18 19:41 BVBV
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