The NoteBook of EricKong

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To allocate a new Dataset or Delete an Existing Dataset, the Dataset Allocate/Delete ISPF-Panel (3.2) is used. Enter the Dataset-Name in the format XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX separated by period, and prefixed by your TSO User-ID.

  Menu  RefList  Utilities  Help                                              
                               Data Set Utility               
Option ===>
    A Allocate new data set                   C Catalog data set                
    R Rename entire data set                U Uncatalog data set              
    D Delete entire data set                   S Short data set information      
blank Data set information                  V VSAM Utilities                  
ISPF Library:                                                                 
   Project  . . ________          Enter "/" to select option                   
   Group  . . . ________         /  Confirm Data Set Delete                   
   Type . . . .  ________                                                      
Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set:                               
   Data Set Name . . . 'AGY0157.MONTHLY.SALES.REPORT'______________________
   Volume Serial   . . . ________ (If not cataloged, required for option "C")  
Data Set Password  . .           (If password protected)                  

Allocation of new-Datasets requires the user to specify the Space-Requirement, how much space in TRKS or CYL the Dataset should occupy.

  Menu  RefList  Utilities  Help                                              
                            Allocate New Data Set                             
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________
                                                                   More:     +
Data Set Name  . . . : AGY0157.MONTHLY.SALES.REPORT                           
Management class . . . ________       (Blank for default management class)    
Storage class  . . . .       ________       (Blank for default storage class)       
Volume serial . . . .        ________       (Blank for system default volume) **    
Device type . . . . .         ________       (Generic unit or device address) **     
Data class . . . . . .         ________       (Blank for default data class)          
Space units . . . . .         TRACK              (BLKS, TRKS, CYLS, KB, MB, BYTES         
                                                                   or RECORDS)                            
Average record unit     __                     (M, K, or U)                            
Primary quantity  . .     10                     (In above units)                        
Secondary quantity      10                    (In above units)                        
Directory blocks  . .      00                     (Zero for sequential data set) *        
Record format . . . .      FB                                                    
Record length . . . .       80                                                    
Block size  . . . . .          800                                                    
Data set name type :                             (LIBRARY, HFS, PDS, or blank)  *         
                                                                   (YY/MM/DD, YYYY/MM/DD                   
Expiration date . . .                                 YY.DDD, YYYY.DDD in Julian form       
posted on 2011-12-20 17:57 Eric_jiang 阅读(182) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Mainframe

