The NoteBook of EricKong

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Words that are masculine by implication

The following nouns are masculine by implication, i.e. there is an unexpressed noun
(shown below in parentheses) which determines their gender:
(i) months of the year (mês): abril próximo ‘next April’; 月份,下一个四月
(ii) rivers, seas, mountains (rio, mar/oceano, monte): o Amazonas ‘the Amazon’, o Pacífico ‘the Pacific’;河流,海洋,山,阿马逊河,太平洋

(iii) cardinal points (ponto cardeal): ao norte ‘to the north’; 基本方位,在北方
(iv) cars, planes, ships (carro, avião, navio): um Fiat ‘a Fiat’, o Titanic ‘the Titanic’;车,飞机,轮船,一台菲亚特,泰坦尼克号
(v) bars, restaurants, hotels (bar, restaurante, hotel): o Hilton ‘the Hilton’;吧,饭馆,酒店,希尔顿酒店
(vi) newspapers (jornal): o New York Times ‘the New York Times’;报纸杂志,纽约时代杂志
(vii) sports teams (time): o Corinthians ‘Corinthians’;运动,业余运动员
(viii) letters of the alphabet: dois fs ‘two fs’.字母表的字符,两个fs
Words that are feminine by implication
(i) cities (cidade): toda Paris ‘all of Paris’, except when the city name contains the masculine definite article, e.g. o Rio de Janeiro (masc.); 城市,巴黎,除了那些城市名词包含了阳性的冠词,例如,里约热内卢
(ii) streets (rua): na esquina da Visconde ‘on the corner of Visconde’;街道,
(iii) TV networks (rede): na CNN ‘on CNN’;电视网络,例如CNN
(iv) companies, shops, airlines (empresa, loja, companhia): a Microsoft ‘Microsoft’. 公司,商店,航班,微软
posted on 2013-09-03 15:49 Eric_jiang 阅读(262) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 桑巴葡萄牙语教学

