Recently, more and more java developers show the great interesting on validation of java objects. This article (The importance of Being Valid)
describes the importance of being valid. Several years ago, there maybe
only presentation-layer validation, such as Struts Validation
Framework. After that, Apache abstracts Apache Common Validation
Framework from struts validation. Unfortunately, this common validation
is still tightly connected to presentation-layer.
Now, lots of new framework is coming. The following is the uncompleted list of java validation framework
- Presentation Validation Framework – such as Struts validation, Tapestry
- Apache Common Validation
- iScreen: iScreen is a Java object validation framework (that is, it validates POJOs).
- Hibernate
Validation: Hibernate Validator integrates with Hibernate by applying
the constraints on the database schema (DDL generation) and by checking
entity validity before Hibernate inserts or updates instances.
- Spring
Validation – which is part of the Spring Modules project, allows you to
perform validation declaratively using Java annotations.
And JSR 303 (Bean
Validation) try to come out a set of standards of bean validation and
now is on Early Draft Review stage. However, i didn’t find any
implementation already supporting this spec.
After some investigation, i selected Spring Bean Validation Module. The major reasons are
- Bean
Validation Support: As a common service, what we need is a common bean
validation which provides more features, more flexibility, more power,
and fewer dependencies on libraries or frameworks.
- It should support XML configuration based validation and Annotation based validation
- easy to integrate with Spring.
- Pure Java Technology
Unfortunately, there are very few examples to show how to use Spring framework without Spring MVC framework. This one is the only reference – Annotation-Based Validation with the Spring Bean Validation Framework.
This article describes how to use Spring Bean Framework in your code.
- Required Jars
spring-modules-validation.jar from spring-modules-0.9
- Java Bean:
The following is a bean to be validated
public class AuthenticateUserInput extends Input {
@NotNull(errorCode = UserAccountErrorCodeAndMessage.AUTHENTICATE_USER_INPUT_ACCOUNT_NAME_IS_NULL,
@NotBlank(errorCode =
name cannot be blank")
private String accountName;
@NotNull(errorCode =
name cannot be null")
@NotBlank(errorCode =
name cannot be blank")
private String userName;
@NotNull(errorCode = UserAccountErrorCodeAndMessage.AUTHENTICATE_USER_INPUT_PASSWORD_IS_NULL,message="password cannot be null")
@NotBlank(errorCode =
cannot be blank")
private String password;
// getter and setter for attributes
In the above example, each attribute has two annotation based validation rules -
(1) NotNull: its error code is a user-defined string, and the message will be returned if specified
(2) NotBlank: its error code is a user-defined string, and the message will be returned if specified
- Configurations Main Spring Configuration file
(webapps"useraccount"WEB-INF"appContext.xml) is required to configure
Validator Bean and ValidationConfigurationLoader.
<beans default-autowire="byName" xsi:schemalocation="
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>"
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
<!--Bean Validator-->
<vld:annotation-based-validator id="beanValidator">
<!--vld:xml-based-validator id="validator">
<vld:resource location="classpath:validation.xml"/>
<!--bean id="configurationLoader" class="org.springmodules.validation.bean.conf.loader.xml.DefaultXmlBeanValidationConfigurationLoader">
<property name="resource" value="classpath:validation.xml"/>
<bean id="beanValidator" class="org.springmodules.validation.bean.BeanValidator">
<property name="configurationLoader">
<ref bean="configurationLoader"/>
NOTE: we are using annotation based validation rule, if you want to use XML configuration based rule, you can uncomment vld:xml-based-validator section.
- Inject Validator to your code and validate the bean
now we already get a user-defined validator, whose name is
beanValidator.NOTE: it is defined by annotation-based-validator. So,
the validation framework will load validation rules from annotation.
Now, Let’s see how to use it.
According to Spring Dependency Injection principle, we need define a bean to inject this validator.
public class CommonValidator {
private static CommonValidator instance = createInstance();
private Validator validator;
/** * This is a singleton class. */
private CommonValidator() {
private static CommonValidator createInstance() {
return new CommonValidator();
public static CommonValidator getInstance() {
return instance;
/** * @return the validator */
public Validator getValidator() {
return validator;
/** * @param validator the validator to set */
public void setValidator(Validator validator) {
this.validator = validator;
public boolean validate(Input input, Output output) {
Errors errors = new BindException(input, "");
validator.validate(input, errors);
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
for (Object o : errors.getAllErrors()) {
FieldError e = (FieldError)o; String errorCode = e.getCode();
errorCode = errorCode.substring(errorCode.indexOf('[') + 1, errorCode.indexOf(']'));
output.addError(errorCode, e.getDefaultMessage());
return false; }
return true; } }
So, the spring framework will inject user-defined validator instance
into this class with initialization time. And boolean validate(Input,
Output) is the only method to validate a input. If any validation rule
is violated, the output class get add a error. The last step will show
the configuration to inject user-defined validator. It is also in
<bean class="com.starcite.user.validator.CommonValidator" id="commonValidator" factory-method="getInstance">
<property name="validator">
<ref bean="beanValidator">
Have Fun!
posted on 2008-12-01 11:48
Justin Chen 阅读(4795)
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Java Common