
look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.

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JavaOne 2005 (2005年6月27-30日,旧金山),将包含相当多的议题(以及大量的Open Source的话题),比如:Hibernate,JBoss,WebLogic,Spring,Groovy, JDNC (Java Desktop Network Components)以及 Grid。出人意料的是,JavaOne还将包含Eclipse的讨论。“Maybe Eclipse will be able to coexist peacefully alongside Swing. Maybe Sun will even begin to coop some Eclipsian concepts and evolve Swing beyond what it is today. ”

JavaOne 2005
JavaOne 2005 日程

Mycat Java

posted on 2005-06-02 13:21 kukooBlog 阅读(823) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

