Ian Skerret 从上个月开始收集基于Eclipse RCP的应用程序。在他的
blog: Greek Schools to Mars: RCP Applications 中,他写道:
“Last month, I started collecting screen shots of applications that have been built on Eclipse RCP. It is great to see the diversity of open source and commercial applications. When we launch 3.1 we are planning to put a major emphasis on the success of Eclipse RCP. Showing that people are building real rich client applications is an important part of this message. I know there are many more…..”
目前,你可以在Eclipse.org网站上下载到一个PDF文件:RCPApplication.pdf(5月31日发表的),收录了大量Open Source和Commercial的RCP应用程序。其中,包括了我之前曾经提到过的RSSOwl (一个基于SWT的RSS Reader),IBM Workplace (Lotus的新一代客户端),Eclipse Trader (一个基于RCP的实时股票分析软件),jLibrary (一个基于RCP的Desktop Content Management),以及NASA (美国航天航空局)用于控制火星探路者和分析结果的NASA JPL。
日前,Martin Perez (jLibrary的作者)在自己的blog中给出了一些针对SWT做的custom widgets。而SWTPlus.com也发表了两款widgets,可以下载使用。
随着Eclipse 3.1的即将发布,以及3.1中对RCP更强大和简单化的支持,基于RCP的应用将会越来越多。IBM alphaWorks日前也发表了一个SWT Data Binding,即将SWT应用和后台的数据(EJB或者其他数据源)进行邦定(“It provides users with the ability to connect the visual SWT elements of the Java application so that they can access data from various data sources”),从而简化使用SWT进行基于数据库的开发。使用Eclipse Visual Editor 和这个新的数据邦定技术,可以预见到,SWT的开发将更加简单(也许就像Visual Baisc或者Delphi那样“所见即所得”了)。

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