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IBM的Lotus/Eclipse工程师Chris Aniszczyk在IBM developerWorks上发表了一个Recommended Eclipse reading list,按照Chris在他blog中的说法,他是受到了PHP Reading List的启发:

At EclipseCon this year, I ran into some developerWorks folks who wanted an article like the PHP reading list they had, but for Eclipse. After a couple drinks and some persuasion techniques, I agreed. Well, after completing it a couple of months ago, it finally went live today. I tried to list the things that were most relevant to me as an Eclipse developer and that I personally found useful. If you have anything to add, feel free to comment and I will do my best to get the article updated.


posted on 2006-06-21 12:04 kukooBlog 阅读(2092) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Eclipse


# re: Eclipse的阅读列表 2006-06-21 13:10 江南白衣
vvery very good list
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# re: Eclipse的阅读列表 2006-06-22 08:40 Jet Geng
天哪,真的是太好了。太全了。感激ing  回复  更多评论

