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                   how to setup jacorb dev env
1:download JacORB_2_2

  download ant

2:extact JacORB_2_2.jar to d:\JacORB_2_2

3:setup sys environment

       set ANT_HOME=
       set JAVA_HOME=
       set JACORB_HOME=d:\JacORB_2_2
       set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JACORB_HOME%\bin;
       set CLASSPAHT=.;%CLASSPAHT%;%ANT_HOME%\lib\ant.jar;%JACORB_HOME%\lib\jarorb.jar;%JACORB_HOME%\lib\idl.jar\;%JACORB_HOME%\lib\logkit-1.2.jar

4:rename %JACORB_HOME%\etc\jacorb_properties.template to %JACORB_HOME%\etc\jacorb.properties
  and modify the 50th line to 53th line to
  modify 618th line to

5:rename  %JACORB_HOME%\jacotemplate.bat to %JACORB_HOME%\jaco.bat
  and modify related env variable
  rename   %JACORB_HOME%\idltemplate.bat to %JACORB_HOME%\idl.bat
  and modify related env variable


6:  use ant compile and build idl and java

     cd  %JACORB_HOME%\demo\grid  

     run ant
     the generate class file in %JACORB_HOME%\classes  and generated java file in %JACORB_HOME%\demo\grid

7: open a new cmd window:
          cd %JACORB_HOME%   ns
   you can see the following result:   
       [ configuration jacorb loaded from file %JAORB_HOME%\etc\jacorb.properties]

   open a new cmd window:
          cd %JACORB_HOME%   jaco demo.grid.Server
  you can see the following result:   
  [ configuration jacorb loaded from file %JAORB_HOME%\etc\jacorb.properties]
  open a new cmd window:
          cd %JACORB_HOME%   jaco demo.grid.client
    you can see the following result:   
  [ configuration jacorb loaded from file D:\work\nj\JACORB\etc\jacorb.properties]
   Height = 31
   Width = 14
   Old value at (30,13): 0.21
   Setting (30,13) to 470.11
   New value at (30,13): 470.11
   MyException, reason: This is only a test exception, no harm done :-)

posted on 2007-11-21 10:36 小小程序程序员混口饭吃 阅读(4246) 评论(4)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: java

# re: 用JACORB搭建一个corba的开发环境 2007-11-21 18:43 | 隔叶黄莺
可是现在真的很少有人会选择用Corba,原来是真的需要跨很多种语言来通信会用它,现在都会考虑WebService,尤其是SOA正火的时候  回复  更多评论
# re: 用JACORB搭建一个corba的开发环境 2007-11-22 09:11 | loocky
你说的对啊,一般都是在跨语言平台的时候会用它  回复  更多评论
# re: 用JACORB搭建一个corba的开发环境 2007-11-27 10:05 | iLinux
最近开始学习jacorb,收藏了  回复  更多评论
# re: 用JACORB搭建一个corba的开发环境 2008-01-29 22:18 | Worm Online
写的不错, 参考了。 其实很多地方都可以用。  回复  更多评论

