Love is love, work is need.

Pay my all effort for a memorable life story.

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I’m not sure it is or it is NOT in future, but for now, I can say I find out a way to release myself from the uncomfortable situation.  Yes, I refresh myself, reborn my heart or in another way saying, I know how to do and how to make things happen, what I can controlled, who I am, what my love is and how to extend the value it has. This was hard for me in past, but things are different from now on.

When that thing happened, I feel like a man that no one cares. Actually this is not true. Really not true. As that words say: “Some one closed door, we still have the windows. ”

Don’t waste your time on valueless thing, look at your heart and suffer the whole world in it. No one can make you feel bad, and the happy things are everywhere. Live is good, taste more as you can.

The next thing is to defeat my weakness, force me to do things. I’m a man, so, to be a really man. Haha!

posted on 2009-04-24 14:06 Mai Qi 阅读(238) 评论(3)  编辑  收藏


# re: Rain, But Happy. 2009-04-27 10:53 feng
ok, so what is valueless thing? or what is import thing?  回复  更多评论

# re: Rain, But Happy. 2009-04-27 11:56 Mai Qi
You really interest about that? haha.Anyway, Feng, I'd say thank you to you. You're the first guest here who has written something done. Welcome, my lovely web guest! Strangely, you name is the same as some one I met in really world, he is a good boy I’ve see and help me a lot, so when I say ‘Thank you’ to you, it feel like say the same words to that good boy. En…warm heart, kind man.
This blog is a place I try to complain or just saying something from my heart, record my road *a piece*. after long time when I look back, maybe I'll surprise why I have so much complain or other think like 'determination' in here...Yeah, I'm that person I know, the history is prove this I see. But I really want to change or in another way, to improve myself to someone I want to be. I can't change others and the [***] world directly but I can make myself different than before.
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# re: Rain, But Happy. 2009-04-27 16:17 Justjava
God ,best wishes with you!  回复  更多评论

