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 Google 发布了android 其实就是Gphone的开发环境
第一步: 安装sdk 首先去下载 sdk
第二步: 解压缩 下载的 sdk 到你指定的目录, 我是解压缩到 "d:\" 下
         这时你在d盘下看到 "D:\android_sdk_windows_m3-rc20a"
第三步: 配置环境: 点击"我的电脑"右键 --> "属性" --> "高级" -->"环境变量" -->
         "系统变量" --> 在"path"中增加 "D:\android_sdk_windows_m3-rc20a\tools "
         ok , 在命令行中输入 " aapt" 能够看见 :
         Android Asset Packaging Tool

     aapt l[ist] [-v] file.{zip,jar,apk}
       List contents of Zip-compatible archive.
     aapt p[ackage] [-c][-f][-g][-s][-u][-m][-v][-x][-M AndroidManifest.xml] \
            [-l locale1[,locale2,...]] [-d device1[,device2,...]] \
            [-I base-package [-I base-package ...]] \
            [-A asset-source-dir] [-P public-definitions-file] \
            [-S resource-source-dir] \
            file.{zip,jar,apk} [raw-files-dir [raw-files-dir] ...]
       Create or update the named Zip-compatible archive.  All files in raw-files-di
       will be added to the archive, as will selected directories in asset-root-dir
       (which should contain a 'default' directory and some locale-specific
       directories).  The named locales and vendors will be added, all others
       will be excluded.
     aapt c[ompile] [-m][-v][-x] [-M AndroidManifest.xml] [-J R-file-dir] \
         打开eclipse  "help"--> "sofware updates" -->find and Install
         选择: "search for new feature to install " 点击 "next"
         点击: New Remote site
         在打开的对话框中url 中输入 :
         点击 "ok"
第五步: 配置eclipse :
    选择: window -->Preferences 选择--> android
        sdk location 中选择你解压缩的 android sdk 的目录
        点击: ok
第六步: 开发第一个HelloWorld

posted on 2007-11-17 12:46 梦源 阅读(6876) 评论(7)  编辑  收藏

# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)
2007-11-17 13:15 | 千里冰封
还是怕和标准的JAVA不兼容  回复  更多评论
# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)
2007-11-17 14:00 | HiMaigc!
这几天正打算玩,不过不玩eclipse的,玩Jcreator,因为觉得eclipse会成为让我们产生严重依赖的拐杖。  回复  更多评论
# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)
2007-11-17 14:52 | Matthew Chen
android是指手机操作系统吧,当然系统里包括了google的java vm,核心api等,独立的实现,所以应该把这里的.dex当作gphone的专有语言程序了,它不是走跨平台的路线,只想自己用把。  回复  更多评论
# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)
2007-11-18 01:16 | 快译站


5D壁纸 想看壁纸,新鲜,经典,精美,你想的到的壁纸都有!  回复  更多评论
# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)
# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)
2007-11-21 18:21 | CoderDream
Installing the ADT Plugin for Eclipse

If you will be using the Eclipse IDE as your environment for developing Android applications, you can install a custom plugin called Android Development Tools (ADT), which adds integrated support for Android projects and tools. The ADT plugin includes a variety of powerful extensions that make creating, running, and debugging Android applications faster and easier.

If you will not be using the Eclipse IDE, you do not need to download or install the ADT plugin.

To download and install the ADT plugin, set up an Eclipse remote update site as described in the steps below.
Start Eclipse, then select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install....
In the dialog that appears, select Search for new features to install and press Next.
Press New Remote Site.
In the resulting dialog box, enter a name for the remote site (e.g. Android Plugin) and enter this as its URL: Press OK.
You should now see the new site added to the search list (and checked). Press Finish.
In the subsequent Search Results dialog box, select the checkbox for Android Plugin > Eclipse Integration > Android Development Tools and press Next.
Read the license agreement and then select Accept terms of the license agreement, if appropriate. Press Next.
Press Finish.
The ADT plugin is not signed; you can accept the installation anyway by pressing Install All.
Restart Eclipse.
After restart, update your Eclipse preferences to point to the SDK root directory ($SDK_ROOT):
Select Window > Preferences... to open the Preferences panel. (Mac OS X: Eclipse > Preferences)
Select Android from the left panel.
For the SDK Location in the main panel, press Browse... and find the SDK root directory.
Press Apply, then OK  回复  更多评论
# re: Google android 开发,配置,HelloWorld(演示)

