13 Aug 2004
Updated 03 Aug 2004
The core of IBM® Cloudscape™ is the Apache Derby open source database. The Derby lightweight, pure Java™ technology-based embeddable architecture makes it the ideal database engine for deploying database-driven Java applications. With Derby, the database engine becomes part of the application so the user never has to install or manage it. This article highlights the Derby embeddable SQL database engine for Java technology and provides you with an overview of Derby technical features.
Cloudscape is the original zero admin, embeddable, all java, relational database that entered the marketplace in 1996. In August 2004 IBM contributed Derby, a copy of its Cloudscape 10.0 relational database product, to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) to help accelerate innovation around data-driven Java applications. IBM continues its Cloudscape commercial offering, which adds features to the core Derby engine.
Not surprisingly, the existence of two names side-by-side, Cloudscape and Derby, might cause some confusion. With that in mind, this section clarifies what is in the Apache Derby software and what is in the IBM Cloudscape product. We mention features you probably won't recognize yet; but, rest assured, we describe them later in this technical article.
This technical article uses "Derby" when referring to any feature that is part of the open source database engine, including:
The IBM Cloudscape product includes Derby without any modification whatsoever to the underlying source code. This technical article uses "Cloudscape" when referring to the features IBM adds to the core Derby engine, such as:
At times, you might notice Derby and Cloudscape being used as synonyms, and you might see the core database engine referred to as Cloudscape, especially in other IBM developerWorks technical articles and when referring to older Cloudscape releases. We apologize for any confusion. Moving forward, think --Derby-- for the core database features and --IBM Cloudscape-- for the supported commercial release. And if you find yourself using the two terms synonymously, don't worry; we understand what you mean.
Derby is a lightweight, embeddable relational engine in the form of a Java class library. Its native interface is Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), with Java-relational extensions. It implements the SQL92E standard as well as many SQL 99 extensions. The engine provides transactions and crash recovery, and allows multiple connections and multiple threads to use a connection. Derby can be easily embedded into any Java application program or server framework without compromising the Java-ness of the application because it is a Java class library. Derby's support for complex SQL transactions and JDBC allows your applications to migrate to other SQL databases, such as IBM DB2® Universal Database™ (UDB), when they need to grow.
The Derby Network Server provides multi-user connectivity to Derby databases within a single system or over a network. The Derby Network Server receives and replies to queries from clients using standard network protocol. Databases are accessed through the Derby Network Server using the IBM DB2 Universal JDBC Driver. (Not all Derby functionality is supported when using the Network Server. See the Server and Administration Guide for details.)
There are several technical aspects that differentiate Derby from other database systems:
- Derby is easy to administer. When embedded in a client application, a Derby system requires no administrative intervention.
- Derby is embeddable. Applications can embed the Database Management System (DBMS) engine in the application process, eliminating the need to manage a separate database process or service.
- Derby can run as a separate process, using the Network Server framework or a server framework of your choice.
- Derby is a pure Java class library: This is important to Java developers who are trying to maintain the advantages of Java technology, such as platform independence, ease of configuration, and ease of installation.
- Derby needs no proprietary Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Written entirely in the Java language, it runs with any certified JVM.
- The Derby DBMS engine is lightweight. It is about 2MB of class files, and it uses as little as 4MB of Java heap.
- Derby provides the ability to write stored procedures and functions in Java that can run in any tier of an application. Derby does not have a proprietary stored procedure language; it uses JDBC.
Derby is also like other relational database systems. Derby implements the SQL92E language standard and the JDBC API standard. It has transactions (commit and rollback), supports multiple connections with transactional isolation, and provides crash recovery. Like other databases, it allows multiple threads to share the same connection, and Derby implements many SQL99 features, with extensions for Java technology.
This unique combination of technical capabilities allows application developers to build data-driven applications that are pervasive (run anywhere), deployable (downloadable), manageable, extensible, and connectable. These technical features are discussed in this article, organized as shown below:
General architecture
Derby is a relational database management engine implemented as a Java class library. Applications access data managed by the Derby engine with the JDBC API.
The database engine is embeddable. This means that rather than running as a separate process, the database engine software can be part of the application so that the application and the database engine run in the same JVM. When embedded, the application uses the JDBC API to access the database. The embedded JDBC driver transfers data to and from the database engine without the need for network communication. Whether or not it is embedded, the database engine supports multiple simultaneous connections and access from multiple application threads.
Figure 1. Derby embedded in an application

Network Server
It is also possible to deploy Derby as a traditional client/server database server. To accomplish this, Derby is embedded in a server framework. A server framework is simply a piece of software that can accept and process network communication. Derby includes a Network Server, but you can also run Derby in a server framework of your choice.
Figure 2. Derby acts as a client/server DBMS within a server framework

Easy Integration
It is just as easy to embed Derby inside a Java Web server, such as IBM WebSphere® Application Server. Figure 3 shows Derby embedded in a Java Web server, with clients accessing the database through Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP ) requests to servlets.
Figure 3. Derby embedded in Web server

FlexibilityData Persistence
Derby provides persistence of data by storing data in disk files. A Derby engine can manage one or more database files, but each database file can only be accessed by a single Derby engine. In a client/server configuration, the engine provides multi-user access to the databases under its control. All threads that access the database do so through the database engine.
Figure 4. Thread access to Derby

The data in the database disk files is stored in a portable format so that databases can be easily transported from machine to machine regardless of the CPU architecture of the machines. Derby can also handle data files on read-only media. These characteristics make it easy to download Derby applications together with their database or run them from a CD-ROM. The combination of portable database formats and the pure Java DBMS engine makes it possible to send a data-centric application anywhere, either on media or over a network.
Derby provides a great deal of flexibility for system designers. Each Derby instance can manage multiple databases, the databases can live on various media, and there's nothing to stop the application from connecting to other DBMS systems.
Figure 5. Flexible application architecture

Programmer's API
Applications access the database with the industry standard JDBC API. When a client application needs to store or retrieve data from the database, it submits a request through the JDBC API to the Derby engine (either over a network or directly to the embedded engine). The client program is not required to use any Derby-specific APIs; clients only use JDBC. The Derby driver is selected by supplying a Derby JDBC connection Uniform Resource Locator (URL), as shown in Listing 1.
Listing 1. Derby JDBC connection URL
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:greetdb");
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT message FROM greetings");
while (rs.next())
String greeting = rs.getString(1);
Since the application is only using JDBC APIs, it is portable, and will run against JDBC-compliant databases from other vendors. This standards compliance enables a developer to write an application against Derby and deploy it against another DBMS.
When a client requests data from the DBMS, the JDBC driver copies the data from the database into the application. Modifications of that data in the application, intentional or unintentional, do not affect the data in the database until JDBC calls are used to send the changes back to the DBMS. Similarly, when a client stores data in the DBMS, it is copied out of the client and into the DBMS. Because Derby is transactional, complex data manipulations can be grouped together into transactions. Derby guarantees data consistency by ensuring that even after system failure, either all or none of the transaction will commit to the database file.
Figure 6. Objects copied from DBMS to application

More information about JDBC can be found at http://java.sun.com/jdbc.
JDBC drivers
To support the embedded architecture, Derby includes an embedded driver for accessing Derby from Java client programs. The embedded driver is used to communicate with Derby when it is running in the same JVM as the application program.
To support the client-server architecture, IBM Cloudscape includes the IBM DB2 UDB JDBC Universal Driver, which works with the Derby Network Server.
Both JDBC drivers are Type 4 drivers: pure Java on the client and connect directly to the database engine without any intermediate translation.
JDBC connection URLs to Derby databases all start with the prefix jdbc:derby:
. The connection URL for an embedded database on drive e: might look like this: jdbc:derby:e:/db
. The connection URL to a Network Server might look like this: jdbc:derby:net://localhost:1527/mydb
Derby JDBC drivers support JDBC 2.0 and 3.0; they work with JVM 1.3.1 and beyond. The standard extensions for JNDI data sources, connection pooling, and XA are also provided. These features enable Derby to be a resource manager in a distributed J2EE system.
CLI/ODBC driver
The IBM DB2 CLI/ODBC driver for Derby (beta) is available for free download from IBM developerWorks. In addition to supporting standard ODBC clients, it also makes it possible to develop PHP/Perl and .NET applications over ODBC.
RDBMS capabilities
Derby implements the SQL92E language standard and many features of SQL99, with extensions for Java. SQL language support includes the following:
- Datetime data types (from SQL92T): DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP (with JDBC date/time escape syntax).
- Basic math operations: +,*,-,/,unary +,unary -.
- Basic comparisons: <,>,<=,>=,<>,=.
- Datetime literals
- Basic predicates: BETWEEN, LIKE, NULL
- Quantified predicates: IN, ALL, ANY/SOME, EXISTS
- Check constraints
- Cascade delete
- Column defaults
- Delimited identifiers
- Updatable cursors (through JDBC)
- Dynamic SQL (through JDBC)
- INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
- Positioned updates and deletes
- WHERE qualifications
- Subqueries as expressions (from SQL92F)
- Joins in the WHERE clause
- Joins (SQL92T): INNER, RIGHT OUTER, LEFT OUTER, named column join, condition join
- Aggregate functions (with DISTINCT): AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM
- Select expressions
- SELECT *, SELECT table.* (SQL92T), SELECT DISTINCT, select expressions
- Named select columns
- UNION in views (SQL92T)
- INSERT expressions (SQL92T):
insert into T2 (COL) select col from T1
- VALUES expressions:
select * from (values (1, 2)) as foo(x, y)
, etc.
- Triggers
Other traditional database features include:
- Cost-based query optimizer: join order, index selection,bulk fetching, join strategies (nested loop or hash), sort avoidance, lock escalation, subquery flattening, transitive closure, and many other query transformations. It uses a unique sampling technique that requires no intervention for statistical gathering, and also provides query plan overrides and statistics on actual query results.
- Multi-column B-Tree indexes
- Unlimited length rows, and the capability of "streaming" column values to the client
- Data import/export with fast-load and fast-create index
- Transaction commit and rollback
- Transactional isolation (serializable, repeatable read, read committed, or dirty read)
- Crash recovery
- Multiple concurrent connections
- Multi-threaded connections
- Row locking with escalation to table locks
- User and connection authentication: built-in SH3, application-defined, or through external user authentication systems (LDAP, JNDI)
- Diagnostics and consistency checks
- Online database backup
- Locales
- Database encryption
- Script tool,
- DDL examination tool,
- Modify column to change its length or nullability
- Identity default for automatic sequence numbers for data
Security features
Derby includes security features for protecting database access using standard Java features, encrypting databases so they may be deployed to remote sites and for integrating them into existing user authentication schemes.
Java 2 Security Manager
Derby can be run under a Java 2 security manager. In addition to support policy files, Derby can detect digital signatures on JAR files. Before loading a class from a signed JAR file stored in the database, Derby will verify the JAR was signed with a X.509 certificate and verify the validity of the signature.
Encrypted databases
When a database is deployed to a remote or mobile location, it is not possible to use physical security to prevent unauthorized access to data. If the data files can be read, a sophisticated user could decode the information they contain. The only way to secure data in this environment is to encrypt it on disk. That way, simply being able to read the database files does not reveal the data.
Derby supports secure remote data database encryption. All data in such a database is decrypted by the database engine when read and re-encrypted when written back to disk. No data exists in clear-text form in the database files. Since the entire database is encrypted, the structure of the database schema is also hidden.
For an encrypted database to be usable, a boot password must be provided when the database is first started. This is a separate password from the usual database connection username and password (which must also be supplied to access the database). Without the boot password, the database will not start.
Database encryption is useful for applications that distribute databases to locations where physical security of the files cannot be guaranteed. For example, mobile databases on notebook computers can be stolen if the notebook computer is stolen. Applications that are installed on remote multi-user machines are subject to unauthorized access if the remote administrator does not appropriately protect the files.
Database encryption adds less than 10% performance overhead, and takes no additional disk space. It is based on the 1.2.1 version of the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE). Data Encryption Standard (DES) is used as a default encryption method, or the user can configure which algorithm to use.
External user authentication
Derby also provides support for integrating into external user authentication schemes. Rather than maintaining an internal list of authorized users, Derby can be configured to check with an external authentication service. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) support is provided, and custom schemes are supported with user-defined Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) classes.
Not having the user names and passwords maintained in the database means less administrative overhead (to transfer names into the database). This is especially important in deployed server applications, which must be deployed with as little administrative overhead as possible.
LDAP is an emerging Internet standard that provides an open directory access protocol running over TCP/IP. Windows NT ™ domain user authentication can be provided through LDAP by using the Netscape NT Synchronization Service.
Because Derby is an embedded system, it provides simple user authorization controls. Users can be restricted to read-only access or restricted from any access on a per-system or per-database level. This ensures only permitted, authenticated users access or modify a database.
Java extensions
Derby supports the following Java extensions:
The examples in the following sections assume that the ADDRESS
table exists in a database along with the ZIPMAP
table that maps ZIP codes to cities. Listing 2 shows the schema for the tables.
Listing 2. Sample schema
CREATE TABLE address (name VARCHAR(60), street VARCHAR(255), zipcode INTEGER)
CREATE TABLE zipmap (zipcode INTEGER, city VARCHAR(255))
Java functions
A Java function consists of Java code that is callable from SQL. A Java function can be invoked anywhere in a SQL statement that a SQL expression is allowed. It can also be invoked with the VALUES
key word and it can be invoked inside a trigger.
For example, Listing 3 creates a function in the ZipMap class that looks up the name of a city given its ZIP code (error and exception-handling code are ommitted for brevity).
Listing 3. Sample function source code
public class ZipMap
public static String cityFromZipFunc (int zipcode)
String city;
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection");
String query = "SELECT city FROM zipmap WHERE zipcode = ?";
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(query);
ps.setInt(1, zipcode);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
if (!rs.next())
city = "Unknown City";
city = rs.getString(1);
return city;
The SQL statement that creates a function for this Java code is shown in Listing 4:
Listing 4. Sample CREATE FUNCTION
EXTERNAL NAME 'com.acme.sales.ZipMap.cityFromZipFunc'
Once the cityFromZip
function has been created, it can be invoked using theVALUES
keyword or by referencing it in the SQL statement as shown in Listing 5.
Listing 5. Sample cityFromZip function usage
VALUES cityFromZip(94105)
SELECT name, street, cityFromZip(zipcode), zipcode
FROM address
FROM address
WHERE cityFromZip(zipcode)='San Francisco'
Using Java functions in triggers
A SQL trigger specifies the actions that should occur when a SQL statement inserts into, updates, or deletes from a table. A Java function can be used in a trigger, for example, to provide e-mail notification about updates, perform updates in other databases through JDBC, or anything that can be done using Java programming. Here's an example of a trigger that calls a Java function to send an e-mail alert when a new record is inserted into the ADDRESS
Listing 6. Sample function in a trigger
Java stored procedures
A Java stored procedure consists of Java code that is callable from SQL, runs in the database server, and accesses the database.
Derby supports the CALL
statement for invoking a Java stored procedure. Derby supplies JDBC OUT
parameters so that values can be returned in parameters; this is done by having the Java parameter be an array of the type desired. For example, an int
parameter would be declared as int[]
and a String
parameter would be declared as String[]
so a value could be returned in it. If the stored procedure includes any OUT
parameters, it needs to be invoked from a client application using the CallableStatement
interface. If the stored procedure does not include any OUT
parameters, it can also be invoked using CALL
in a tool that executes dynamic SQL statements, such as the ij
A Java stored procedure that looks up the name of a city given a ZIP code might look like this (again, error-and exception- handling code are omitted for brevity):
Listing 7. Sample stored procedure source code
public class ZipMap
public static void cityFromZipSp (int zipcode, String[] outCity)
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection");
String query = "SELECT city FROM zipmap WHERE zipcode = ?";
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(query);
ps.setInt(1, zipcode);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
if (!rs.next())
outCity[0] = "Unknown City";
outCity[0] = rs.getString(1);
The stored procedure would be created as shown in Listing 8:
Listing 8. Sample CREATE PROCEDURE
CREATE PROCEDURE cityFromZip ( IN zipcode INTEGER, OUT city VARCHAR(255) )
EXTERNAL NAME 'com.acme.sales.ZipMap.cityFromZipSp'
As mentioned above, if a stored procedure includes OUT
parameters, a client application executes the stored procedure using the CallableStatement
method, as shown in Listing 9.
Listing 9. Sample client calling stored procedure
public static String callOutCity(int zipCode, Connection con)
String outCity = "";
// prepare the CALL statement
String procName = "CITYFROMZIP";
String sql = "CALL " + procName + "(?, ?)";
CallableStatement callStmt = con.prepareCall(sql);
// Set the input parameter to the zipcode
callStmt.setInt(1, zipCode);
// Register the output parameter
callStmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.CHAR);
// call the stored procedure
System.out.println("Call stored procedure named " + procName);
// retrieve output parameters
outCity = callStmt.getString(2);
System.out.println("City name is "
+ outCity);
catch (SQLException e)
Loading Java classes from the database
Java stored procedures, functions, or other application logic can be stored in the database along with the data, and the database can be programmed to load the classes from there. This makes the database data and its logic into a single, self-contained application package. This simplifies application deployment, because it reduces the potential for problems with a user's class path. It is particularly useful when the classes stored in the database contain the logic for data types used in columns in the database -- the database will not be dependent on anything outside of it.
Storage and loading of application classes in the database is provided by two mechanisms: the ability to add, remove and replace JAR files in the database,and the ability to add these JAR files to the class path.
Once the application code has been added to the database, moving or copying the database ensures that the appropriate application logic is moved along with the data. This means that object data will never be separated from its methods.
IBM Cloudscape Features
The Derby software includes so many capabilities, what more could you possibly want?
The IBM Cloudscape commercial product ships Derby and additionally includes:
- Technical Support
- IBM DB2 UDB Universal JDBC Driver for use with the Derby Network Server
- The IBM Cloudscape manuals, including translated manuals
- The Cloudscape Information Center
- Translated error messages
- Features to jump start developers who are new to Java and/or Derby, including:
- Product installers for Windows and Linux that install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and generate Windows batch files and UNIX scripts for setting the environment.
- Sample databases.
In this article you learned about the fundamental architecture of Derby and how it can be embedded inside a client or a server application. You learned about the use of standard JDBC calls to manipulate the data. You received a summary of the security mechanisms available in Derby. You also learned how to take advantage of Java integration to create Java functions and stored procedures.
Derby provides developers with a small footprint, standards-based Java database that can be tightly embedded into any Java-based solution. With its combination of robust SQL features, support for Java technology, security, and embeddable, pure Java architecture, Derby is the data management product of choice for data-driven Java applications. The value that the IBM Cloudscape commercial offering adds makes it easier than ever for Java developers to deploy their Java-based solutions.